As we discussed on the 20June2023 and 15August2023 community calls, @hripcsa and I would like to encourage our community to think big and collaborate together in a effort toward large-scale incidence characterization. HowOften is be a community-wide study to define a broad set of target cohorts T that’ll serve as denominators, and another broad set of outcome cohorts O that’ll serve as numerators. And for a defined list of time-at-risk windows (e.g. 30d, 1yr, all-time), stratified by age/sex/index year, we will compute the incidence of O in T for all T-O combinations within each database in our participating network, and then meta-analyze the results to produce composite summaries.
As with all OHDSI network studies, we will use GitHub to share study materials, including protocol and source code, which should be based where possible off of existing HADES packages. And we intend to make the full resultset publicly available through an interactive website, likely initially taking advantage of the RShiny modules built by the HADES team as part of the Strategus workflow. As we’ve seen with prior OHDSI work, background incidence rates can be used for a wide range of clinical applications, including providing disease natural history, providing context for pharmacovigilance by quantifying the magnitude of risk for known effects, and reporting digital quality measures (see @bnhamlin 's talk here).
At the OHDSI2023 Global Symposium, we are planning a community-wide workshop over 2 days to focus on HowOften, whereby we will review the final specification, help data partners with configuring and executing the study package, deploy the full resultset, and then collaboratively review the results from both methodological and clinical perspective and collaboratively develop interactive visualizations to further explore the results.
So what do we need from you right now? Please contribute phenotypes that we can use as target or outcome cohorts in the analysis. HowOften will be based on phenotypes that have been developed and evaluated by our community and submitted to the OHDSI Phenotype Library. The Library currently had a good number of phenotypes developed by the community so far (review here), but most phenotypes have still not undergone the peer review process and many other phenotypes that we’d probably be interested in haven’t been started. @Gowtham_Rao went through the OHDSI Phenotype Library submission process on last week’s community call, and the Phenotype WG is a good place to go to get community support. We’ve set a hard deadline of 15Sept2023 to get your phenotypes into the Library so that it can be considered for inclusion in HowOften.
I am really hoping that our clinical workgroups can contribute (Oncology - @agolozar , Psychiatry - @Andrew , Vision Care, Pregnancy/Maternal health - @acallahan ) but also think this a good opportunity for all workgroups to consider what topics they’d like to see covered. On last week’s call, we brainstormed on various cohort opportunities to consider, and several valuable phenotypes were identified on polleverywhere, including Wet AMD, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, non-active uveitis, antibiotic-resistant infections, diabetic ketoacidosis, PASC. I hope others will follow @Jill_Hardin 's lead in stimulating discussions on the forums about further phenotyping opportunities for specific clinical problems of interest.
Thanks in advance for all your community contributions. We look forward to collaborating on HowOften with all of you!