DAY 4 EARLY UPDATE: Tonight's finale call will be broadcast live to a GLOBAL COMMUNITY

Day 4

Early Call: Video
Global Call: Video
FINAL CALL: Use This Link To Watch Live (regardless of whether you registered)

Please take a look at the early calls, but we’re going to save the exciting study-a-thon updates for our final call tonight! This link will work for anybody, regardless of whether you registered for the study-a-thon. We are so excited to share our studies and early results with the world. Please share this link with people in your networks, so they can see the power of global collaboration in the OHDSI community.

Day 3: Early Update l Late Update
Day 2: Early Update l Late Update
Day 1: Early Update l Late Update

What is the scheduled time for the final call?

The time will be 19:00 EST

Final call link above is different than one sent in Teams titled "Closure Call of Study-a-Thon. Will both work? I sent earlier link to work colleagues, so would like to know if I need to send new link.

Yes, the above link also works outside teams

The link Craig provided above for the public opens the same meeting as in Microsoft Teams. I verified by opening them both, and they show “The live event hasn’t started”, but have the same meeting information.