Day 3 Updates

Early Call: Video
Global Call: Video
Wrap-Up Call: Video

Early Update

• We have passed the midway point of the weekend, but it’s still ONLY THE BEGINNING of our shared research journey here. The hard work from collaborators around the globe is inspiring, and it’s making a real impact on the different competencies of this virtual study-a-thon. We’re excited to see where we are at the end of the weekend, but we know this will be an incredible foundation for a long journey of research into this global pandemic.

Daniel Prieto-Alhambra provided updates in both the early and global calls today. The global call focused on planned work for the rest of Saturday. Final phenotypes hope to be agreed upon, and then distributed to the characterization, estimation and prediction teams to use in their respective studies. with The characterization team plans to finalize protocols and complete some analyses. The prediction team will work to train its first model, while the estimation team will be focused on diagnostics, and then launching final analyses.

• We want to commend all the smaller groups within the different teams for their inspired discussions and efforts to move forward on this journey. Collaborators from around the globe find various times to meet on different topics and channels, but there is the same enthusiasm in every call. Thank you to everybody for every ounce of energy you have brought to this research event; it makes a real difference.

Day 2: Early Update l Late Update
Day 1: Early Update l Late Update