COVID19 Study-A-Thon: Day 1 Update!

Day 1 Updates

Kickoff Call: Video / Slides
Global Call: Video

• Thank you to everybody who joined us for our kickoff call! It was led by @Daniel_Prieto (welcome/introduction to the study-a-thon and overview of the COVID-19 pandemic), @hripcsa (background of OHDSI), @Patrick_Ryan (what studies will we design/execute during the study-a-thon), and @Rijnbeek (logistics of the weekend).

• Following the overall call, there were team kickoff calls on characterization, estimation, prediction and phenotyping. These allowed team leaders to introduce both themselves and OHDSI best practices surrounding each area, and they initiated discussions on the focus of each group throughout the four days. If you are registered for the study-a-thon, the videos of those recordings were uploaded to both the teams and general channels; please watch any or all of them, regardless of what your specific focus is this week.

Thank you to everybody who led these respective calls, including @edburn and @RossW. We had impressive attendance at all calls, and it didn’t take long for progress to get made. Interesting discussions began immediately within the different channels, and collaborators from around the globe began to take ownership over various responsibilities. A big reason that the study-a-thon could get off to an inspired start was the hard work of the literature review teams, which were discussed in a previous forum post. This early base of knowledge puts the different teams in a strong position to answer important questions on the journey towards study design.

• The global kickoff call was a brief but enthusiastic one, where early progress across the characterization, estimation, prediction and phenotyping group was noted. It was exciting to see so many people — at very different times in their respective days — jump right in. There were also interesting discussions about coordinating virtual communication during this event. OHDSI has experienced impressive success in recent study-a-thons, but this is a new challenge, and some discussion was focused on some practices already being used by the various groups.

• Many people are doing amazing work behind the scenes, and OHDSI would like to highlight a few throughout the weekend. Today, in the crazy rush of getting registrants set for the Microsoft Teams platform and dealing with technical issues, we are thankful for the dedication and hard work by both @lhjohn and @bmosseveld!

Keep up the great work everybody!

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