OHDSI Phenotype Library announcements

I would like to use this thread to make announcements regarding OHDSI Phenotype Library. The announcements will be on three topics

  1. Atlas-Phenotype is maintained by the OHDSI Phenotype Development and Evaluation Workgroup. This workgroup will use this thread to make any key announcements regarding cohort definitions.
  2. OHDSI/PhenotypeLibrary : Periodically, cohort definitions from Atlas-Phenotype will be published into this repository. This will be version controlled with HADES compatibility. It will be an installable, referenceable, non executable R package with HADES version numbering convention.
  3. ohdsi-studies/PhenotypeLibraryDiagnostics: An executable study package called PhenotypeLibraryDiagnostics will be maintained, and it will be dependent on OHDSI/PhenotypeLibrary . Data partners will be pasked to execute this package on their sites and contribute the results back to the community. The results will be compiled and uploaded to data.ohdsi.org/PhenotypeLibrary (thank you @admin for support on this)

Submissions to the OHDSI Phenotype Library

  1. The OHDSI Phenotype Development and Evaluation Workgroup is considering submissions to the OHDSI Phenotype Library.
  2. Valid cohort definition submissions that originate from an Atlas (or Circe compliant source like CapR will go into [submitted] state and will be available at Atlas-Phenotype. These are not considered [accepted]. To be accepted, they should complete an evaluation by the Phenotype Development and Evaluation Workgroup and only accepted Cohort Definitions get promoted to the version controlled Library repository OHDSI/PhenotypeLibrary. Cohort Definitions that do not conform to Circe (e.g. probabilistic definitions and SQL only definitions) are also accepted.
  3. We encourage you to submit the results of running CohortDiagnostics on the submitted OHDSI CohortDefinitionSet . Other data partners will be invited to run CohortDiagnostics on the submitted cohortDefinitionSet. Based on the collective review of the CohortDiagnostics output a decision of acceptance will be made.

Technical Requirements:

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Version 3.1.0 of the OHDSI PhenotypeLibrary has been released PhenotypeLibrary. The package is currently being executed by data partner volunteers and once the cycle is complete the results will be available https://data.ohdsi.org/PhenotypeLibrary/

(note - the link above is currently dead)


For HADES compatibility (thank you @schuemie ) we will follow the following version number for the PhenotypeLibrary github repository.

Major number 3.0.0
Second number will be a number from >= 0 - representing each release. Backward compatible.
Third number will represent hot fix

The repository is now being considered to be part of HADES.

PhenotypeLibrary package version 3.1.1 has been released. This release makes this package part of HADES ecosystem. Discussed in HADES Channel and Github issue here.

OHDSI Phenotype Library and Development Workgroup met today - recording and slides are available here

Note: discussions were held on community contributions to OHDSI Phenotype library and workshop for the OHDSI Symposium 2022.

The OHDSI Phenotype Development and Evaluation Workgroup will be considering the submission of @Marcela and @david_vizcaya on August 12th 2022. Please come and join us for the very first peer review session. OHDSI will perform an open peer review. The assigned peer reviewer is @AzzaShoaibi .

Please see discussion related to the phenotype here Phenotype Phebruary Day 29 - Acute Kidney Injury

We are still developing our process for peer review and acceptance, and this experience will be a learning for all of us.

If you are interested in submitting a phenotype definition, the submission guidelines are here Cohort Definition Submission Requirements • PhenotypeLibrary

The submitted phenotypes are at atlas-phenotype.ohdsi.org

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OHDSI Phenotype Library update
On 2022-09-06 version 3.2.0 of the OHDSI Phenotype Library was released. Please see list of cohorts here

Number of peer reviewed cohort definitions = 0
Number of cohort definitions awaiting peer review = 84

We currently have 84 cohort definitions that are in ‘pending peer review’ stage. These 84 cohort definitions have previously undergone phenotype development and evaluation process during 2020 to 2022, but the development and evaluation was not documented and did not receive peer review. It was used in various OHDSI studies.

To be formally accepted into the OHDSI Phenotype Library they need to

  1. meet the required submission requirement prior
  2. Complete a peer review process.
  3. Be accepted to the library

Version 3.10.0 has been released

For list of cohort definitions in OHDSI Phenotype library please see Cohort Definitions in OHDSI Phenotype Library • PhenotypeLibrary

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Quick question: A total of 6 phenotypes in the OHDSI phenotype library have “Accepted” status right? I’m looking for all accepted phenotypes.


Yes. It’s very low (compared to some 300+ cohort definitions in library that have not been peer reviewed). I think there is 1 more that has been accepted but it’s waiting next release of library.

Note - you may use the 300+ cohort definitions in the library in your project. As described here

you can use > PhenotypeLibrary::listPhenotypes()
to get a log of all available. You can filter definitions based on the many columns in that data frame object.

You can get the full cohort definition set as follows

cohortDefinitionSet ← PhenotypeLibrary::getPlCohortDefinitionSet(cohortIds = c(1, 2, 3))

Note: the cohort definitions that have [P] are guaranteed to be consistent within the released version of PhenotypeLibrary R package. So you may use it as part of a renv in a HADES package, as long as you reference the right version number of the R package.

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Thank you for maintaining this resource @Gowtham_Rao!

Gowtham and I have been discussing what a phenotype library dashboard would look like on the community dashboard. We would be very interested in getting other suggestions you would like to see and potentially tracked about the use of phenotypes.

Phase 1:

  • add phenotype library to a new section of the community dashboard using github api and current based on cohort.csv content with linking to the cohorts themselves. This will allow easy search and retrieve for users. It will also be a good landing place to identify publications and network studies using those phenotypes.

Phase 2:

  • Need standard template way for network studies to identify cohort definitions so we can link from phenotypes to network studies. This is a good metric of validity to see if phenotypes are being used in network studies and publications.
  • Work with SOS challenge participants to help them submit their Phenotypes.
  • Work with a DOI Agency(identified) to assign DOI’s to each Phenotype. https://www.doi.org/
  • publish a paper on how to cite referenceable phenotypes as computable artifacts

Phase 3:

  • linking phenotypes identified in publications along with network studies, show on phenotype library
  • Build an queryable REST terminology server for phenotypes to be electronically searchable and retrievable via a Rest API. This would be an excellent way of building an extension to Atlas to query and retrieve phenotypes.
    – FHIR would be an interesting and possible approach with some modifier extensions Terminology-module - FHIR v5.0.0-cibuild
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PhenotypeLibrary version 3.11.0 has been released. This release has the two additional cohort definitions that were accepted into the library during PhenotypePhebruary 2023.

Accepted Cohorts: 2 were accepted.

234: Appendicitis (1Pe, 180Era) 
213: Acquired Neutropenia or unspecified leukopenia (21Pe, 365Era)

New Cohorts: 9 were added.

339: [P] Hypotension (1Pe, 3Era)
340: [P] Hives, Erythema, Eruption, Urticaria (1Pe, 7Era)
341: [P] Loss of mentation including coma, loss of consciousness, altered consciousness (1Pe, 3Era)
342: [P] Urinary Incontinence (1Pe, 3Era)
343: [P] Fecal Incontinence (1Pe, 3Era)
344: [P] Doctors office or clinic visit without other overlapping visits (0Pe, 0Era)
345: [P] Doctors office or clinic visit (0Pe, 0Era)
346: [P] Non urgent outpatient visit without overlapping inpatient or emergency visit (0Pe, 0Era)
347: [P] Ambulance utilization (0Pe, 0Era)

PhenotypeLibrary version 3.13.0 has been released. This release has 5 cohort definitions that were contributed by @MaximMoinat as part of the OHDSI Phenotype Pheburary 2023 here. The cohort definitions were peer reviewed by the OHDSI Phenotype Development and Evaluation workgroup and accepted (Video recording here) . Thank you @MaximMoinat for the contribution to OHDSI.

Previous release - missed announcement

See two additional announcement regarding OHDSI PhenotypeLibrary. Current version is 3.15.0. The versions 3.14.0 and 3.15.0 had additions of several symptom cohorts.

PhenotypeLibrary 3.15.0

Accepted Cohorts: No cohorts were accepted in this release.

New Cohorts: 7 were added.

410: [P] Acute Urinary tract infections UTI (1Pe, 30Era)
411: [P] Sepsis or Septic Shock (1Pe, 7Era)
412: Transverse myelitis indexed on diagnosis (1Ps, 0Era, 365W)
414: [P] Acute Skin Eruption symptoms (1Pe, 7Era)
415: [P] Skin Erythema (1Pe, 7Era)
416: [P] Skin Rash (1Pe, 7Era)
417: [P] Acute gastrointestinal bleeding events (7Pe, 30Era)

PhenotypeLibrary 3.14.0

Accepted Cohorts: No cohorts were accepted in this release.

New Cohorts: 44 were added.

363: [P] Joint Stiffness (3Pe, 7Era)
364: [P] Sleep disorder (3Pe, 7Era)
365: [P] Dysuria (3Pe, 7Era)
366: [P] Streptococcal throat infection (14Pe, 30Era)
367: [P] Allergic Rhinitis (14Pe, 30Era)
368: [P] Sinusitis (7Pe, 30Era)
369: [P] Allergic condition (14Pe, 30Era)
370: [P] Allergic disorder (14Pe, 30Era)
371: [P] Claudication Pain (365Pe, 365Era)
372: [P] Otitis media (3Pe, 30Era)
373: [P] Iron deficiency Anemia (365Pe, 365Era)
374: [P] Drug Dependence Disorder (30Pe, 365Era)
375: [P] Gall stone disorder (30Pe, 365Era)
376: [P] Skin Bleeding (1Pe, 7Era)
377: [P] Skin Petechiae (1Pe, 7Era)
378: [P] Skin Purpura (1Pe, 7Era)
379: [P] Ecchymosis (1Pe, 7Era)
380: [P] Jaundice (1Pe, 7Era)
381: [P] Skin Itching  (1Pe, 7Era)
382: [P] Prurititc Rash (1Pe, 7Era)
383: [P] Eczematous Atopic Dermatitis and non hyperkeratotic dermatosis (1Pe, 365Era)
384: [P] Contact Dermatitis (14Pe, 60Era)
385: [P] Intertrigo (14Pe, 60Era)
386: [P] Seborrheic dermatitis (14Pe, 60Era)
387: [P] Photodermatitis (14Pe, 60Era)
388: [P] Peripheral Neuritis (FP)
389: [P] Peripheral Neuropathy or Neuritits (FP)
391: [P] Hearing Loss (30Pe, 365Era)
392: [P] Otalgia or Otitis (3Pe, 30Era)
393: [P] Low Back Pain or Injury (3Pe, 7Era)
394: [P] Gastroesophageal reflux disease (365Pe, 365Era)
395: [P] Dysmenorrhea (90Pe, 365Era)
396: [P] Osteoarthritis (FP)
397: [P] Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (FP)
398: [P] Bladder Outflow Obstruction (0Pe, 180Era)
399: [P] Kidney Stone (1Pe, 30Era)
400: [P] Prostate Cancer among adult males (FP)
401: [P] Uterine Fibroids (FP)
402: [P] Ventilatory assist for respiratory findings with Acute Respiratory Failure (0Pe, 0Era)
403: [P] Acute Respiratory Failure in inpatient or Emergency room (0Pe, 0Era)
404: [P] Ventricular Tachycardia, in an Inpatient or Emergency room setting (1Pe, 7Era)
405: [P] Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter (1Pe, 365Era)
406: [P] Intellectual Disability (FP)
407: [P] Hemorrhoids (1Pe, 30Era)

In our last meeting (link to recording), at the OHDSI Phenotype Development and Evaluation Workgroup - we discussed a paper we are collaboratively writing about the OHDSI PhenotpyeLibrary. We discussed about the importance of FAIR and democratization of the OHDSI PhenotypeLibrary. The current submission and review process is labor-intensive and is dependent on mostly me - the librarian. Today, in the OHDSI Phenotype Development and Evaluation Workgroup we will discuss the conceptual idea of trying to make this community resource more democratized and self sustaining.

An idea that some of us (@Paul_Nagy , @jpegilbert ) are discussing is to use Zenodo/InvenioRDM as a DOI service provider. We think that this new framework would enable anyone to submit their cohort definitions to the OHDSI PhenotpyeLibrary without need to engage me i.e. they can post their cohort definitions into the OHDSI PhenotypeLibrary Zenodo organization. The posted definitions are immediately available via Zenodo/InvenioRDM and have a DOI. These are thus immediately retrievable. We then add a layer of controlled vocabulary/metadata using a community curation process (e.g. peer review, librarian review etc). The controlled vocabulary would help provide markers of trust. A snapshot of the posted definitions would be periodically converted into a release via OHDSI Github R package for PhenotypeLibrary. This R package will continue to be release version 3 and backward compatible. The R package is designed for use in OHDSI Studies like HowOften (@hripcsa). We think this this will streamline the OHDSI PhenotpyeLibrary and also make sure it both democratic and FAIR compliant. Maybe we can get it ready for OHDSI Symposium 2023.

@Paul_Nagy and I are looking for community volunteers to lead this effort. We are also hoping to get the support of the OHDSI technology advisory committee and/or open source committees to detail the feasibility of this idea, perform a proof of concept and help develop it further.

Hoping to talk about this today at the OHDSI Phenotype Development and Evaluation workgroup meeting

Good day: OHDSI Phenotype Library has now stopped taking any additional community contributions till after OHDSI Global Symposium 2023.

PhenotypeLibrary 3.15.0

Accepted Cohorts: No cohorts were accepted in this release.

New Cohorts: 7 were added.

410: [P] Acute Urinary tract infections UTI (1Pe, 30Era)
411: [P] Sepsis or Septic Shock (1Pe, 7Era)
412: Transverse myelitis indexed on diagnosis (1Ps, 0Era, 365W)
414: [P] Acute Skin Eruption symptoms (1Pe, 7Era)
415: [P] Skin Erythema (1Pe, 7Era)
416: [P] Skin Rash (1Pe, 7Era)
417: [P] Acute gastrointestinal bleeding events (7Pe, 30Era)

PhenotypeLibrary 3.16.1

Updated readme file and CohortDefinitionsubmissionRequirement document Removed some rogue files.

PhenotypeLibrary 3.16.0

Metadata documentation has improved in this release.

Reference Cohorts: 251 cohort definitions called reference cohorts have been added. These came from version 2 of the OHDSI PhenotypeLibrary. Those definitions are simple cohort definitions that have a template of one entry event criteria with conceptId and descendants. These have prefix of [P][R] in their name. There is also an indicator field called isReferenceCohort.

444: [P][R] Neck pain
445: [P][R] Hypoglycemia
446: [P][R] Eosinophilic esophagitis
447: [P][R] Esophagitis
448: [P][R] Dysphagia
449: [P][R] Nausea
450: [P][R] Constipation
451: [P][R] Myasthenia gravis
452: [P][R] Joint pain
453: [P][R] Osteoarthritis
454: [P][R] Dermatomyositis
455: [P][R] Fetal growth restriction
456: [P][R] Osteoporosis
457: [P][R] Rheumatoid arthritis
458: [P][R] Ulcerative colitis
459: [P][R] Urinary tract infectious disease
460: [P][R] Psoriasis with arthropathy
461: [P][R] Erythema multiforme
462: [P][R] Lichen planus
463: [P][R] Sepsis
464: [P][R] Myelofibrosis
465: [P][R] Thyroiditis
466: [P][R] Atopic dermatitis
467: [P][R] Systemic sclerosis
468: [P][R] Pityriasis rubra pilaris
469: [P][R] Jaundice
470: [P][R] Chronic lymphoid leukemia, disease
471: [P][R] Vitiligo
472: [P][R] Myelodysplastic syndrome (clinical)
473: [P][R] Acute transverse myelitis
474: [P][R] Pemphigoid
475: [P][R] Psoriasis
476: [P][R] Acute myeloid leukemia, disease
477: [P][R] Hypothyroidism
478: [P][R] Malignant melanoma of skin
479: [P][R] Chilblains
480: [P][R] Alopecia areata
481: [P][R] Renal failure syndrome
482: [P][R] Gastrointestinal hemorrhage
483: [P][R] Biliary cirrhosis
484: [P][R] End-stage renal disease
485: [P][R] Low back pain
486: [P][R] Premature rupture of membranes
487: [P][R] Celiac disease
488: [P][R] Diarrhea
489: [P][R] Acute renal failure syndrome
490: [P][R] Viral hepatitis C
491: [P][R] Malignant tumor of urinary bladder
492: [P][R] Cardiogenic shock
493: [P][R] Malignant tumor of cervix
494: [P][R] Primary malignant neoplasm of kidney
495: [P][R] Acute pancreatitis
496: [P][R] Abdominal pain
497: [P][R] Autoimmune hepatitis
498: [P][R] Toxic shock syndrome
499: [P][R] Type 1 diabetes mellitus
500: [P][R] Gastritis
501: [P][R] Crohn's disease
502: [P][R] Kidney stone
503: [P][R] Type 2 diabetes mellitus
504: [P][R] Sj?gren's syndrome
505: [P][R] Cough
506: [P][R] Chronic obstructive lung disease
507: [P][R] Pneumonia
508: [P][R] Allergic rhinitis
509: [P][R] Systemic lupus erythematosus
510: [P][R] Acute myocardial infarction
511: [P][R] Dyspnea
512: [P][R] Thromboangiitis obliterans
513: [P][R] Atrial fibrillation
514: [P][R] Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
515: [P][R] Sleep apnea
516: [P][R] Thrombotic microangiopathy
517: [P][R] Acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
518: [P][R] Myocarditis
519: [P][R] Heart failure
520: [P][R] Hypertensive disorder
521: [P][R] Asthma
522: [P][R] Coronary arteriosclerosis
523: [P][R] Arteriosclerotic vascular disease
524: [P][R] Migraine
525: [P][R] Gastroesophageal reflux disease
526: [P][R] Orthostatic hypotension
527: [P][R] Acute respiratory failure
528: [P][R] Polyarteritis nodosa
529: [P][R] Cardiac arrest
530: [P][R] Peripheral vascular disease
531: [P][R] Angina pectoris
532: [P][R] Heart disease
533: [P][R] Otitis media
534: [P][R] Transient cerebral ischemia
535: [P][R] Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
536: [P][R] Age related macular degeneration
537: [P][R] Sensorineural hearing loss
538: [P][R] Paralytic syndrome
539: [P][R] Multiple sclerosis
540: [P][R] Optic neuritis
541: [P][R] Idiopathic peripheral neuropathy
542: [P][R] Cerebral hemorrhage
543: [P][R] Seizure
544: [P][R] Encephalitis
545: [P][R] Headache
546: [P][R] Retinal detachment
547: [P][R] Retinal disorder
549: [P][R] Epilepsy
550: [P][R] Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
551: [P][R] Microcephalus
552: [P][R] Parkinson's disease
553: [P][R] Cerebrovascular accident
554: [P][R] Cerebrovascular disease
555: [P][R] Blood coagulation disorder
556: [P][R] Amyloidosis
557: [P][R] Angioedema
558: [P][R] Hyperlipidemia
559: [P][R] Thrombocytopenic disorder
560: [P][R] Pancytopenia
561: [P][R] Myasthenic syndrome due to another disorder
562: [P][R] Edema
563: [P][R] Obesity
564: [P][R] Hidradenitis
565: [P][R] Tuberculosis
566: [P][R] Kaposi's sarcoma (clinical)
567: [P][R] B-cell lymphoma (clinical)
568: [P][R] Hyperkalemia
569: [P][R] Systemic inflammatory response syndrome
570: [P][R] Leukopenia
571: [P][R] Schizophrenia
572: [P][R] Psychotic disorder
573: [P][R] Chronic pain
574: [P][R] Narcolepsy
575: [P][R] Behcet's syndrome
576: [P][R] Bipolar disorder
577: [P][R] Posttraumatic stress disorder
578: [P][R] Insomnia
579: [P][R] Ankylosing spondylitis
580: [P][R] Respiratory syncytial virus infection
581: [P][R] Multiple myeloma
582: [P][R] Bleeding
583: [P][R] Glaucoma
584: [P][R] Fever
585: [P][R] Hypokalemia
586: [P][R] Opioid dependence
587: [P][R] Opioid abuse
588: [P][R] Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
589: [P][R] Pre-eclampsia
590: [P][R] Human immunodeficiency virus infection
591: [P][R] Autism spectrum disorder
592: [P][R] Anemia
593: [P][R] Paralysis
594: [P][R] Depressive disorder
595: [P][R] Pulmonary embolism
596: [P][R] Gout
597: [P][R] Takayasu's disease
598: [P][R] Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection
599: [P][R] Anaphylaxis
600: [P][R] Open-angle glaucoma
601: [P][R] Vomiting
602: [P][R] Anxiety
603: [P][R] Human papilloma virus infection
604: [P][R] Cranial nerve disorder
605: [P][R] Muscle pain
606: [P][R] Stillbirth
607: [P][R] Malignant tumor of stomach
608: [P][R] Malignant neoplastic disease
609: [P][R] Cerebral infarction
610: [P][R] Eclampsia
611: [P][R] Diabetic ketoacidosis
612: [P][R] Acute tubular necrosis
613: [P][R] Tachycardia
614: [P][R] Venous thrombosis
615: [P][R] Herpes simplex
616: [P][R] Acute arthritis
617: [P][R] Monoclonal gammopathy (clinical)
618: [P][R] Pulmonary arterial hypertension
619: [P][R] Gestational diabetes mellitus
620: [P][R] Uveitis
621: [P][R] Renal impairment
622: [P][R] Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (clinical)
623: [P][R] Motor neuropathy with multiple conduction block
624: [P][R] Primary sclerosing cholangitis
625: [P][R] Pustular psoriasis
626: [P][R] Cirrhosis of liver
627: [P][R] Miscarriage
628: [P][R] Fisher's syndrome
629: [P][R] Inflammatory bowel disease
630: [P][R] Facial palsy
631: [P][R] Livebirth
632: [P][R] Antiphospholipid syndrome
633: [P][R] Waldenstr?m macroglobulinemia
634: [P][R] Immunoglobulin A vasculitis
635: [P][R] Ventricular tachycardia
636: [P][R] Malignant tumor of breast
637: [P][R] Peripheral ischemia
638: [P][R] Neoplasm of thyroid gland
639: [P][R] Deep venous thrombosis
640: [P][R] Vasculitis
641: [P][R] Pericarditis
642: [P][R] Immune reconstitution syndrome
643: [P][R] Follicular non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
644: [P][R] Malignant tumor of prostate
645: [P][R] Guillain-Barr? syndrome
646: [P][R] Bradycardia
647: [P][R] Retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus
648: [P][R] Malignant tumor of colon
649: [P][R] Malignant tumor of esophagus
650: [P][R] Malignant tumor of ovary
651: [P][R] Dementia
652: [P][R] Vasculitis of the skin
653: [P][R] Loss of sense of smell
654: [P][R] Ischemic heart disease
655: [P][R] Aseptic meningitis
656: [P][R] Fatigue
657: [P][R] Paresthesia
658: [P][R] Hepatic failure
659: [P][R] Malignant neoplasm of liver
660: [P][R] Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
661: [P][R] Respiratory failure
662: [P][R] Diverticulitis of large intestine
663: [P][R] Influenza
664: [P][R] Malaise
665: [P][R] Suicidal thoughts
666: [P][R] Type B viral hepatitis
667: [P][R] Guttate psoriasis
668: [P][R] SLE glomerulonephritis syndrome
669: [P][R] Schizoaffective disorder
670: [P][R] Temporal arteritis
671: [P][R] Pregnant
672: [P][R] Sense of smell impaired
673: [P][R] Primary malignant neoplasm of respiratory tract
674: [P][R] Degeneration of retina
675: [P][R] Pulmonary hypertension
676: [P][R] Microscopic polyarteritis nodosa
677: [P][R] Preterm labor with preterm delivery
678: [P][R] COVID-19
679: [P][R] Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
680: [P][R] Mantle cell lymphoma
681: [P][R] Malignant neoplasm of anorectum
682: [P][R] Marginal zone lymphoma
683: [P][R] Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive vasculitis
684: [P][R] Sensory disorder of smell and/or taste
685: [P][R] Cardiac arrhythmia
686: [P][R] Fracture of bone of hip region
687: [P][R] Chronic kidney disease
688: [P][R] Death
689: [P][R] Newborn death
690: [P][R] Suicide
695: [P][R] Optic nerve glioma
696: [P][R] Neurofibromatosis type 2
697: [P][R] Neurofibromatosis type 1
698: [P][R] Neurofibromatosis syndrome
699: [P][R] Major Depressive Disorder

Accepted Cohorts: No cohorts were accepted in this release. Four new cohorts have been added. These are minor modifications of previously published cohorts.

691: Transverse myelitis or symptoms indexed on symptoms or diagnosis
692: Transverse myelitis indexed on diagnosis
693: Acquired Neutropenia or unspecified leukopenia
694: Appendicitis during Inpatient visit

PhenotypeLibrary 3.17.0

Accepted Cohorts: No cohorts were accepted in this release.

New Cohorts: 39 were added.

701: [P][R] Ascites
702: [P] Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) elevated
703: [P] Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) elevated
705: [P] Total Bilirubin elevated
706: [P] Prothrombin time (PT) elevated
707: Inpatient Hospitalization (0Pe, 1Era)
708: [P] International normalized ratio (INR) elevated
709: [P][R] Chronic liver disease
710: [P] Cirrhosis of liver or its sequela
711: [P][R] Transplanted liver present
712: [P] Viral hepatitis including history of
713: [P] Alcoholic hepatitis or alcohol liver disorder
714: [P][R] Endometriosis (clinical)
715: [P] Hepatic fibrosis
716: [P] Acute Hepatic Injury
717: [P] Portal hypertension or esophageal varices
719: [P] Acute Hepatic Injury or jaundice while inpatient with no cooccurring certain liver disease
720: [P] Aplastic Anemia
721: [P] Sudden New Onset Blindness
722: [P] Endometriosis indexed on procedure with two or more diagnosis among females 15 to 49
723: [P] First Acute Hepatic Failure with no known severe liver disease
724: [P] First Acute Hepatic Failure with no known liver disease
725: [P] All events of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), with a washout period of 30 days
726: [P] All events of Anaphylaxis, Mini-Sentinel
727: [P] All events of Angioedema, with a washout period of 180 days
728: [P] Autoimmune hemolytic anemia events not including evans syndrome
729: [P] Autoimmune hepatitis, with a washout period of 365 days
730: [P] Acute pancreatitis, indexed on visit with NO chronic or hereditary pancreatitis
731: [P] Sudden Hearing Loss, No congenital anomaly or middle or inner ear conditions
732: [P] Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reaction (SCAR = SJS+TEN+DRESS) with clean window
733: [P] Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) with clean window
734: [P] Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS)
735: [P] Acute Liver Injury indexed on diagnosis or symptoms with no chronic hepatic failure
736: [P] Acute Liver Injury NO viral, alcoholic, chronic hepatic failure
737: [P] Neutropenic Fever, Inpatient or ER, indexed on fever or Infection, 90 days era
738: [P] Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
739: [P] All events of Isolated Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP), with a washout period of 365 days
740: [P] Earliest event of Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)
741: [P] Earliest event of Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) or Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA)