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Mapping Canadian ICD10CA codes to SNOMED

Hi all,

I am working on a Canadian project (with the Health Data Research Network Canada) where we are piloting the use of OMOP in several provincial data centres. Our major challenge right now is vocabulary mapping of the ICD10CA (ICD10 Canadian version) codes to SNOMED. ICD10CA is not in Athena. I have seen various posts in the forums from others who are mapping ICD10CA to SNOMED (see here and here). In addition to duplicating efforts, I am concerned that we may not be all consistent with each other in our approach.

My question is: How do we ensure consistency across and between countries when mapping country-specific ICD10 codes to SNOMED? Does the OHDSI Vocabulary team have any general guidelines/best practices for converting country specific ICD10 codes (not yet in Athena) to SNOMED?


Hey @Alison_Park

Such a coincidence we had almost the same topic regarding ICD10AM just a couple of days ago. I refer you there for more descriptive answers.

Shortly, communication is a key. You need to collaborate with other researchers doing mappings of ICD10CA and you can become a steward of the ICD10CA in the community via the mechanism of Community contributions.

As @Alexdavv mentioned, the way to keep mappings together is Common Data Environment (CDE), developed by the vocabulary team for this purpose.

Thank you @zhuk. I will look more closely at the ICD10AM post that you mentioned.

@Alexdavv, is the Common Data Environment a resource that we can use or is that a tool just for the vocabulary team to use?
