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Welcome to OHDSI! - Please introduce yourself

Hi Everyone,

I am Madhur Thakur, a graduate student at the University of Minnesota, pursuing MS in Health Informatics. I have done analytical research work on patient portal use, and implementation of glucose monitoring devices at health centers. I am learning about OHDSI to improve my research work and join a community of fellow researchers.

Hi everyone!

I’m Rory Popert and I’m currently co-founder of a startup called Unison. We’ve developed a middleware data federation technology with novel harmonisation and workflow execution features, reducing the need for transformation of data locally to achieve interoperability and controlling for differences in storage and compute efficiency across different infrastructures.

I’m familiar with the OHDSI community through some of the excellent webinars and my work with some of its partners, and from my previous role as tech lead for research at Genomics England. I led ~12 teams and ~100 engineers, ml engineers, bioinformaticians etc. to develop the full stack to enable analysis of GEL’s deep phenotype and multi-modal data from ~140k participants.

I’d like to contribute to the OHDSI community when / where I can add value, and also collaborate with members to address some of the pain points associated with data federation and data heterogeneity.

I’m looking forward to meeting many of you at the Global Symposium in October.

Thank you!

Hi all,

I think this is a great idea to start in the community! I’m Alisson Licona, a Data Engineer at Traverse Health. I have a background in Biomedical Engineering and Digital Health and I’m in charge of the OMOP ETL process. Our focus is to leverage data from different sources to conduct observational and statistical studies.

Working with various sources (and languages) makes it difficult to plan the projects effectively, so we chose OMOP CDM to store our data and improve the outcomes. OHDSI represents a reliable standard for generating high-quality and reproducible real-world evidence. But there’s always room for improvement, so I would like to be proficient in OHDSI tools and contribute to their enhancement, especially when it comes to Natural Language Processing and non-English sources.

Apart from my job, I’m doing a Master’s in Data Science and Health Data Analytics (between Spain and Germany), so it’s right to say I love working with data and applying any knowledge I have to help health practitioners make impactful decisions.

Lastly, in my little free time, I like to read magical realism and discover new music.

I look forward to meeting many of you and collaborating in all I can.


Hi everyone!
I am a nephrologist and epidemiologist at Stanford University and work on kidney outcomes in cancer patients on various cancer therapies. We are hoping to soon execute a network study. Excited to learn from this group!
Susan Ziolkowski


Hi all,

I’m a doctoral student in Munich, and focus on developing tools hopefully useful for creating insights from health data in Python, where a highly active Machine Learning and Deep Learning community is thriving.

Very excited about OHDSI and all the things it enables researchers to do! Sharing the love for open science
Strive to integrate the OMOP CDM in the things we do, and learn much more about OHDSI! :slight_smile:

On Github

Hi everyone! I am the informatics analyst for the University Health Transplant Institute. I have an MS in health, community, and policy, focusing in health data analytics. Our program is new to OHDSI but we are very excited to have access to this tool! I hope we can contribute to research and would love to connect with others interested in transplant or in general! :slight_smile:


Hi all,
I am a data analyst with the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. We are a part of a team across several Canadian provinces exploring OMOP with our data. Happy to learn and contribute to this group!


Welcome to OHDSI, @lisaflaten :slight_smile:

Here is the link to the Getting Started office hours starting Monday, November 25th at 10am Eastern Time: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3Ameeting_OTY1MTc2MjMtNjg2Ny00MWY0LTgyODgtZjg2YmNiZjJjNDMz%40thread.v2/0?context={"Tid"%3A"a30f0094-9120-4aab-ba4c-e5509023b2d5"%2C"Oid"%3A"0cfa2d30-6465-40b2-8158-a24d46c7b415"}
