OHDSI Getting Started Office hours

Hello all!

The Health Systems Interest Group (HSIG) will be hosting “Getting Started” office hours every other Monday opposite the regular HSIG call. The Getting Started office hours are open to all. The call will be focused on helping those new to the OHDSI community get started with the OMOP CDM and OHDSI community. It’s a help desk with office hours.

You will find us every other Monday on MSTeams at 10am Eastern Time. 1st meeting is November 25th. Here’s the link to join the meeting.

FYI @roger.carlson

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@roger.carlson will be resuming the Health Systems Interest Group (HSIG) “Getting Started” office hours starting next Monday, January 20, 2025 10-11 AM ET

Join us if you have questions about getting started with an OMOP instance at your Health System. Roger, @MPhilofsky or @samart3 will likely be on the call to answer questions and share their experience with the OMOP CDM and help connect you to others within the OHDSI community.

Also, join us if you are willing to offer support for new people asking questions.

Our next Getting Started Office hours will be Monday, March 31, 2025 at 10:00 am EST here:
“Getting Started” office hours

If you have a specific topic or question, please contact: @roger.carlson, @MPhilofsky, @samart3 before hand. Or just show up!