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Welcome to OHDSI! - Please introduce yourself

Yo yo yo!

My name is Jacob Zelko and I am a Health Data Analytics and Informatics Researcher at Georgia Tech Research Institute. I am based in the Center for Health Analytics which is directed by @jon_duke. Super excited to be working there with the team! I decided to join the OHDSI community as I am a firm believer that learning does not happen alone - eager to learn more about OHDSI and other happenings! :tada:

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Hi @Shilpa_Ratwani, please use oserang@dnanexus.com.



Hi, I’m Arthur Goldberg at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. I’m an Associate Professor of Genetics and Genomic Sciences. I’ve conducted research in distributed computer languages, computer network performance, genetics, and systems biology.

Recently I started working on making it easier for researchers at Sinai to find, access, and use medical data. I’ve been studying OHDSI and am impressed with what you all have accomplished.



Welcome, @arthur.goldberg
As a subgroup of Oncology workgroup, genomic WG is developing an extension of OMOP-CDM for genomic data. Details for primitive version of genomic CDM are available at JMIR, too.


John here. We are currently looking to implement an OMOP solution for our enterprise informatics system. I’m new to OMOP and looking forward to being a part of this community.

I’ve added the monthly working group meeting to my calendar from the web site here, but I don’t see any information on the weekly Tuesday meeting mentioned inThe Book of OHDSI in section 2.1.3 . Is this meeting still occurring?

Hi @greshje - the weekly meeting took a holiday break and will be starting up again this week at a new time: Tuesday at 11AM EST.

There’s more information on this post: First Community Call of 2020 (LINK included) - Jan. 12, 11 am ET

Thanks for catching that. I’ve also updated the Book of OHDSI. :slight_smile:

Thanks @SCYou. Great to learn that you’re working on a genomics extension of OMOP-CDM.

I’d love to participate in that effort, but currently I’m focused on transitioning to my new position and planning a deployment of a cohort query tool at Mount Sinai for our 9M patient records.

If you can, please reach out to me in a month or two and I’ll try to join then.


Thanks for the update and the link Kristin! Looking forward to learning more.

Hello OHDSI!
My name is Vasileios Sakalis and I am a urologist from Greece. Excited to join this network!

Hi! My name is Yeorim Ahn, MD from South Korea.

I recently changed my career from a physician to medical affairs team at an IT company where OMOP-CDM data conversion tech is its main business model.

I’m looking forward to learning more about OHDSI!

Hello everyone!

My name is Teri Sippel Schmidt and I am curious to learn more about OHDSI. My background is in international imaging standards (DICOM, IHE, HL7 v2, HL7 FHIR). I am also fairly involved in SIIM and RSNA. (all medical imaging) My interests are in informatics, imaging, system interoperability, and international standards. In the past I have been involved in sw dev companies including Mitra Imaging and Karos Health, but am currently an adjunct prof at Marquette University - BioMed Engineering in Milwaukee. As of very recently, also working with Johns Hopkins on their FHIR based class.

Looking forward to learning lots.
Twitter: @terimsippel
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/teri-sippel-schmidt-b045994

Hello everyone,
My name is Gongliang Zhang. I am an Informatics Analyst in MedStar Health. I hope I can enrich my knowledge in informatics and data sciences by learning from members from ODHSI, as well as facilitate the development of ODHSI community. Thanks.

Hi everyone,

My name is Daniel Jeannetot, I recently joined the Medical Informatics department of Erasmus Medical Centre to do my PhD under Peter Rijnbeek’s supervision.
My topic will explore the use of geospatial data combined with the OMOP CDM for patient level prediction.

I am an epidemiologist with a specialty in spatial epidemiology and have worked in sub-Saharan Africa on TB, vaccination campaigns, WASH, and health care accessibility.

Looking forward being part of the OHDSI community!


I am Julie Josse, a French professor and researcher in statistics and machine learning working on causal inference and how to handle missing values. I mainly work with critical care data (traumabase group in France) and develop methods to combine RCTs and observational studies.
I am just discovering OHDSI so for now look for information about the community,
Thank you for your help,
Best wishes,

@hothman - Welcome to OHDSI! Do not hesitate to reach out on forums or directly if you have any question or great ideas!


Hi, I’m Marko Balabanovic, Technology Director at Our Future Health in London. We’re a new charity formed to tackle the UK government’s challenge on accelerating detection of disease (as part of the UK’s life sciences industrial strategy). Our mission is to build national resource that will be the most detailed picture we’ve ever had of the UK’s health, to help us detect common diseases earlier and allow more people to live healthier lives for longer. We will invite 5 million people from all backgrounds and from right across the UK to take part. The resulting data resource will be open to researchers and scientists. But we’re just getting started! I hope to learn a lot from this community, as we will be aiming to gather data directly, including genetics, as well as linking to health records and other datasets on a large scale, so we’ll be very keen to use good structure and standards and to promote interoperability. I also serve as a non-executive director for NHS Digital.

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Hi Marko, welcome aboard. That sounds like a fantastic mission!

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Hello everyone
My name is Alexandra. I have a master’s degree in computer engineering. I have been working on a programming project with a computer engineering team for several years. And now we turn to medicine. I wish everyone success.

Hello! My name is Diane Elinski, I work for Snowflake as a Sr Sales Engineer. I have many years of experience in the healthcare field and have just created the load scripts to load your “OMOP Vocabularies” into Snowflake. Snowflake has a “Data Marketplace” that may be helpful to our health care and life science customers. Looking forward to working with the group and publishing the “OMAP” github for Snowflake.

Hello everyone!
My name is Gizem Tanriver. I am a data scientist / machine learning researcher. My background is in molecular biology and I worked in the clinical trials industry as a CRA for several years before transitioning to data science. I am a firm believer that well structured and standardised data has enormous power to answer many research questions which would otherwise require vast resources - both in time and money. I have mostly studied computer vision models and medical imaging during my masters, but I recently started working on EMR data analysis. I am very excited to join this community and would love to contribute to any relevant topics and studies in data analysis and machine learning research. If interested, please free feel to connect with me.
