OHDSI STATEMENT ON COVID-19: OHDSI is committed to doing what it can to support and inform the COVID-19 pandemic response, and will prioritize activities aligned to this effort. As we adjust to the current global situation, the OHDSI community will continue to have our regular Tuesday community calls, as well as our various working group calls. Understandably, some calls could be postponed or cancelled due to issues surrounding COVID-19, so we ask that you continuously check the OHDSI forums, weekly digest and social channels for updated information. OHDSI is a virtual community, so we are equipped to continue collaboration during this challenging time.
OMOP CDM Oncology WG - Genomic Subgroup Meeting - Tuesday at 9am ET
URL: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/412862164?pwd=NmpEWTdTQlB4N3VxT0tQRXdDWlg0dz09
Wiki: https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=projects:workgroups:oncology-sg
Gold Standard Phenotype Library WG - Tuesday at 11am ET
URL: https://gatech.webex.com/gatech/j.php?MTID=mdd4af3e9b84212fc7df3eb0150703df5
Wiki: https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=projects:workgroups:gold-library-wg
OHDSI Community Call - Tuesday at 12pm ET
Zoom Meeting URL: https://columbiacuimc.zoom.us/j/945377669
Meeting ID: 945 377 669
Password: ohdsi
Wiki: https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=projects:ohdsi_community
Common Data Model & Vocabulary WG - Tuesday at 1pmET
Meeting URL: https://meet.lync.com/jnj-its/mblacke/V59RPVRY
Wiki: https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=projects:workgroups:cdm-wg
OMOP CDM Oncology WG - Outreach/Research Subgroup Meeting - Tuesday at 3pm ET
URL: documentation:oncology:outreach_schedule [Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics]
Wiki: https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=projects:workgroups:oncology-sg
Patient-Level Prediction & Population-Level Estimation WG (Eastern Hemisphere) - Wednesday at 4pm (Korea Time)
Meeting URL: https://meet.lync.com/jnj-its/mschuemi/9CKLLR7L
Wiki: https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=projects:workgroups:patient-level_prediction
Oncology WG - Development Subgroup Meeting - Wednesday at 10am ET
URL: https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=documentation:oncology:development_schedule
Wiki: https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=projects:workgroups:oncology-sg
OMOP CDM Oncology WG - CDM/Vocabulary Subgroup Meeting - Thursday at 10am ET
URL: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/755053125?pwd=V0dOZVVnY3RMRWgxMVVGTDdVbnA1UT09
Wiki: https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=projects:workgroups:oncology-sg
Patient-Level Prediction & Population-Level Estimation WG (Western Hemisphere) - Thursday at 12pm ET
Meeting URL: https://meet.lync.com/jnj-its/mschuemi/KF143769
Wiki: https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=projects:workgroups:patient-level_prediction
China WG - Postponed to next Friday at 10am ET
Wiki: projects:workgroups:china-wg [Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics]
You can find a full list of upcoming OHDSI meetings here: 2020 OHDSI Workgroup Meetings - Google Docs
New Teleconferencing Details for OHDSI Community Calls - Our weekly OHDSI community calls, which take place every Tuesday at noon will no longer be hosted via webex. For the time being, these calls will be hosted via Zoom. The details to join are:
Zoom Meeting URL: https://columbiacuimc.zoom.us/j/945377669
Meeting ID: 945 377 669
Women of OHDSI mentorship sessions - The Women of OHDSI will be holding ad hoc mentorship meetings, hosted by experts within a variety of areas. These meetings will have the aim of providing a forum for attendees to ask questions and seek guidance. Each meeting will be structured around a given topic, either focused on a specific technical area (ex. how to write a patient-level prediction protocol) or on general career development (ex. improving soft skills). The meetings may include a short presentation on the topic, but will primarily be designed for attendees to ask questions. To help us organize the meetings, please fill in this googleform and outline areas where you feel you could use more support: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXCGVaNZzhqAoVkWXMQOw0jypD6cMuRo658DgpxrkdC7WrBg/viewform
OHDSI F2F & 2020 US Symposium To do our part in reducing the spread of COVID-19 we have decided not to hold a F2F meeting this summer. However, planning for the 2020 U.S. Symposium, which will take place October 18-21st, is underway, and we will be sharing details when they become available.
COVID-19 Virtual Study-a-thon - To contribute to the COVID-19 response, the OHDSI community hosted a virtual study-a-thon on March 26-29th. For videos from this event, check out this forum post: FINAL GLOBAL UPDATE: #OHDSICOVID19 Study-A-Thon (video link posted)
And keep up-to-date on all post study-a-thon activities here: COVID-19 Updates Page – OHDSI
I went to a general store but they wouldn’t let me buy anything specific.
Steven Wright
Acute pancreatitis risk in type 2 diabetes patients treated with canagliflozin versus other antihyperglycemic agents: an observational claims database study.
Medication Use for ADHD and the Risk of Driving Citations and Crashes Among Teenage Drivers: A Population-Based Cohort Study.