visit_detail / visit_occurrence domains


In the concept table, apparently there is no specific “concept type” for visit_detail. There is only the one dedidated for visit_occurrence (see in athena)
Then, the implementation problem is that both visit_occurrence and visit_detail share the same codes. This is an issue for multiple reason:

  • same information can be repeated in both tables
  • ETLers might be confused on where information should go
  • this is orthogonal to the CDM overall architecture (that tends to point a domain only one table)
  • concepts behind columns in each table essencially overlap (eg: visit_type_id and visit_detail_type_id are from the same set of concept_id)
  • this limits the information that can be stored in the CDM (types of visit should not be the same in occurrence or detail)

Is there a on going proposal for visit_detail dedicated domain_id ? I d be glad to make a proposal on that point.
(same topic on github)


This has been discussed en detail (e.g. here and here and here). We do have a similar two-tier logic in DRUG_EXPOSURE and DRUG_ERA, and likewise in CONDITION_OCCURRENCE and CONDITION_ERA. In contrast to those, in the Visit situation the higher-level VISIT_OCCURRENCE table needn’t be constructed from the VISIT_DETAIL. It is up to the ETLer to figure it out, and whether a VISIT_DETAIL is even needed. Usually, this is only the case for hospitalizations.