There are two separate, but similar conversations happening. One here and one on GitHub. I am cutting and pasting my GitHub postings to this thread.
Agreed! And that is why I posted this opinion to GitHub:
"I would prefer we do not include the
fields in the Visit Detail table because these are repetitive fields from the parent Visit_Occurrence table. We only need admission & discharge once at the Visit level. Let’s just get rid of them, unless @gowthamrao has a use case?"
You don’t need to do the above (and it goes against the conventions) because the Visit Detail table allows for transfers. Per my GitHub postings linked above:
“Every row in the visit_detail table has the care_site_id field and preceding_visit_detail_id field. We are able to string together the visit_detail_id and the care_site_ids to track transfers within the Visit. The conventions for the admitting_______ fields and the discharge_to________ fields state that Place of Service codes are to be used. The Place of Service code set does not offer the granularity required to track inpatient transfers.”