Standardization of observation from survey data or social history in EHR is what I needed for a long time. In Korea, many hospitals want to convert their health examination data into CDM, too (@whk) . Main obstacle for this is mapping social and medical history.
So, I absolutely agree with @MPhilofsky 's idea!
And I want to add some of my opinions or questions about observation mapping:
The dose unit for amount of alcohol should be standardized, too
In Korea, many survey asks ‘how many cup of ‘soju’ do you drink?’. ‘soju’ is Korean local alcohol. So, I converted the dose unit for alcohol history into ‘unit of alcohol’. I think the dose unit for alcohol history about wines, beers and whiskeys should be standardized for future research, too. -
The concept_id I used
I would be not easy to read, but I mapped some social and medical history of Korean national survey data(here).
The below is the concept_ids I used for social history:
4276526 Cigarette smoker
4222303 Non-smoker
4310250 Ex-smoker
(I couldn’t find ‘current smoker’)
40766929 How many cigarettes do you smoke per day now [PhenX]
40766930 On the average of the entire time you smoked, how many cigarettes did you smoke per day [PhenX]
40766364 How many cigarettes per day do, or did, you smoke [PhenX]
40771103 How often do you have a drink containing alcohol [SAMHSA]
3037705 Alcoholic drinks per drinking day - Reported
4036426 Frequency of exercise
2.history of previous medical condition vs. family history:
the current SNOMED concept_id for family history has both concept_ids for ‘No FH’ and ‘FH’
(eg, concept_id=4053372, concept_name= No FH: Hypertension
concept_id=4050816, concept_name = FH: Hypertension)
But it is not easy to find ‘has no history of medical history’ for previous medical conditions
eg, Is there any concept_id for ‘no history of cerebrovascular accident?’( concept_id =4077982, concept_name= History of cerebrovascular accident)
So I applied different strategy for mapping medical history(only existence of medical history is stored) and family history(existence and non-existence of family history are stored)? I think 'without history’is also quite important information. I think this should be standardized, too!