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Should I take into account the Term Connections in Athena?

Hello al,

I wonder to which extent I should take into account what is specified in the “Term Connections” in Athena for a particular concept when creating my mappings.

Example 1:

I have a skin temperature measurement in degrees Celsius.

In Athena, I see:

(a) “Temperature of skin” from SNOMED. Under “Term Connections” it says, amongst others, “Has scale type - Quantitative”.

(b) “Temperature of Skin” from LOINC. Under “Term Connections” it says, amongst others, “Has Answer - Cold, Hot, Warm”.

Does this mean that for my measurement in degrees Celsius I can only use / should use the SNOMED concept, or doesn’t it really matter?

Example 2:

I have AVPU (Alert Verbal Pain Unresponsive) results.

The only measurement concept I see in Athena is “AVPU - alert voice pain unresponsive scale” from SNOMED. The four values for this measurement are best described by LOINC concepts though, e.g. “Eye opening to verbal command”. Under “Term Connections” for that concept it says “Answer of Glasgow coma score eye opening” (although they partially measure the same things, AVPU and the Glasgow coma score are two different things).

Can I use this combination of SNOMED and LOINC concepts?

Thanks in advance for any help!



Yeah. This isn’t at the standard it should be. There are question-answer pairs defined in LOINC and SNOMED, and we preserve them. However, in reality, folks will look into the value_as_concept_id in order to find out the answers, whatever they are. So, I would place whatever is right.

In the future, we will need to create appropriate Themis conventions. Want to add a Github issue?

Hello @Christian_Reich,

@Mikita_Salavei suggests to use e.g. “Responds to voice” (Athena) instead of “Eye opening to verbal command” (Athena). Would that be better, or doesn’t it really matter?


Should work.
