Running WG Agendas and Notes

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##WG Meeting 04-Oct-2016##

  1.     Subgroups:
         - Launching Oncology subgroup
         - Resuming Tobacco subgroup to move forward with Don Torok's proposal
         - Launching NLP subgroup
  2.     New proposal: Adding time to date fields
  3.     Discussion: Combined Emergency Roon/Inpatient visit concept


  1. Launched Oncology and NLP supgroups. Doodle will go out to folks (Christian and Rimma). Tobacco will be resumed after Don’s return.
  2. Add time: Will be discussed in the Forum, and the proposal refined to several alternatives. Proposal 2 about end dates will become separate proposal (George)
  3. Combined ER/Hospital: Will be taken out of admission/discharge decision and become own proposal with discussion Forum (Rimma).

WG Meeting 1-Nov-2016


  • Voting on outstanding proposals
  • Timing proposal - George
  • Metadata proposal - Vojtech
  • Cost data duplications - Erica, Jen or Claire
  • Visit type - Lisa, Rimma
  • More dosage - Christian
  • Update on Oncology - Christian
  • Release management for these changes - Christian
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I’m getting an error message, “this meeting has been canceled or ended”, when I try to join the meeting.


I’ll fix the link.

WG Meeting 1-Nov-2016


Mostly continuation of the previous meeting

  1. Finalizing and voting on outstanding proposals
  1. Continuation of discussion
  • Metadata proposal - Vojtech
  • Cost data duplications - Erica, Jen or Claire
  • Visit type - Lisa, Rimma
  • Oncology - Christian
  • Release management for these changes - Christian
  • More dosage - Christian

WG Meeting 7-Mar-2017


Vetting and voting on proposals

Preparation of face-to-face

WG Meeting 4-Apr-2017


  • Conventions about days_supply and drug_exposure_end_date - Klaus Bonadt, Christian Reich, Patrick Ryan
  • NLP update and finalizing - Rimma Belenkaya
  • Oncology extension update - Rimma Belenkaya
  • Metadata update - Vojtech Huser
  • Representing granular encounters update - Gowtham Rao, Melanie Philofsky


  • Durg Exposure End date will be implemented
  • NLP proposal with small tweaks accepted for implementation, realizing it will change once being used.
  • Metadata proposal accepted with explicit limitations, Vojtech will add use cases, ping folks with opinions and prepare to release as first version.

WG Meeting 2-May-2017


  • Ballot Visit and Microvisit proposal
  • Oncology Subgroup Progress
  • NLP Vocabulary adjustment


  • Only got to talk about Visits
  • Name of the two tables are VISIT_DETAIL and VISIT_OCCURRENCE (as before)
  • @Gowtham_Rao to polish the proposal for vetting next meeting

WG Meeting 6-June-2017


  • Finalize micro- macro- visit proposal update - Gowtham Rao, Melanie Philofsky
  • Metadata update - Vojtech Huser

I am looking for the schema changes made and approved to NLP at Apr 2017 meeting. I have been searching the web site and missed it. I would help if someone knows where it is.


WG Meeting 11-July-2017


  • Clair’s CDM versioning
  • Finalize micro- macro- visit proposal update - Gowtham Rao, Melanie Philofsky
  • Metadata update - Vojtech Huser
  • Datetime problems

WG Meeting 1-Aug-2017


  1. Changes to process with Clair’s documentation
  2. Use cases for visits (Melanie)
  3. Intro into survey proposal (one out of Colin; Joshua; Lisa; Rimma)
  4. Metadata progress (Vojtech)
  5. Review list of open proposals
  6. Possible presentation of survey or geo or metadata, if summer permits

Here is the agenda for the CDM working group meeting on 9/5/2017:

  • Metadata discussion (#79)
    • This needs to be voted on
  • Survey data discussion (#90)
  • Quick win: Procedure Occurrence Modifier (#92)
  • If we have time, additions to the cost table (#81)

For a more detailed agenda please click here.

Here is the agenda for the CDM working group meeting on 10/3/2017:

  • Vote on quick win Qualifier -> Modifier in PROCEDURE_OCCURRENCE (#92)
  • Adding fields to PAYER_PLAN_PERIOD (#120)
    • This may also include a discussion of #121 and/or #81
  • Add row created time to OBSERVATION (#104)

For a more detailed agenda please click here

Here is the agenda for the CDM working group meeting on 11/7/2017:

  • Add row created time to OBSERVATION (#104)
  • Continue discussion of COST table changes (#81)
  • Review open proposals

For a more detailed agenda please click here

Here is the agenda for the CDM working group meeting on 12/5/2017:

  • Continue discussion of COST table changes (#81)
  • Survey data in the CDM (#137)
  • Review open proposals

For a more detailed agenda please click here

Here is the agenda for the CDM working group meeting on 1/9/2018:

  • Survey data in the CDM (#137)
  • CDM schema revisions (#95)
  • Review open proposals

For a more detailed agenda please click here

I apologize for any confusion about the WG meeting for February; it will be held on 2/13/2018 instead of today, 2/6/2018. Here is the agenda:

For a more detailed agenda please click here