There has been a lot of interest in forming a Psychiatry working group because we have quite a few OHDSI organizations around the world who are focused on psychiatry.
The objective of the group:
• To address the different challenges of data harmonization across areas of psychiatry
• Better understand the vocabularies used across the specialty
• Decide what is necessary to move current data into OMOP model
• Help each other understand and learn from experiences
We had an initial meeting last week and has decided to meet in person immediately following the Symposium at 7:30 PM EST. For those who cannot attend, a dial-in will also be provided. Agenda topic for this meeting:
• Review most common psychiatry use cases
• Common issues folks have run into
• Working group logistics - When and frequency
If you have an interest, please let me know and come with your use cases. Just wanna make sure we don’t overfill the room with enthusiastic collaborators who still wants to burn the midnight oil after what is going to be a magnificent Symposium.
Once I get the room confirmation, I’ll post it here.
The Psychiatry WG will be meeting Monday, September 16 in Linden Oak from 7:30-9:30PM (immediately following the reception). Dinner will be served. If you are coming, please let me know so I can ensure we have enough food!
Count me in. I am glad to see that OHDSI wants to put focused attention on Behavioral Health.
I am an OHDSI newbie, but spent over a decade doing Psychiatric epidemiological research for Columbia and then working for the New York State Office of Mental Health building their Clinical Decision Support + Population Health Management system (PSYCKES). We also put a lot of focus on patient reported outcomes, working with LOINC and SNOMED to enable semantic interoperability for standardized functional status assessment instruments. I’d love to see the OHDSI community expand upon and extend the reach of those tools and data.
Hi, I’m considering transforming one of our psychiatry medical centers into OMOP.
My OMOP experience is for general hospitals, and I don’t have much knowledge in the psychiatry world (yet).
My concerns are whether OMOP currently supports psychiatry data, or is it in development, or not applicable?
Is the community around psychiatry OMOP active in terms of multicenter studies?
It’s in development when talking about the Psychiatric and neurodevelopmental scales since scales are very hard to standardize, also if you want to convert the medical notes where you have signs and syndromes, then you need to parse them, you can find out in NLP working group about this; but again it depends on your data whether you have this information.
For diagnoses, procedures and drugs are well represented as in the other domains.
We are highly interested in your findings during the analysis of your data:
what are non-trivial cases? Which terms you’re struggle to represent by OMOP?
What type of patient data can’t be translated straightforward?
Thank you @Dymshyts , indeed these are the question that we will need to face with prior and during OMOP standardization. We are not in the process yet, only considering that. I’ll keep you posted if and when we make any progress.