Yes. I don’t think we need anything more than this: SNOMED’s structuring of conditions vs. observations is probably the tip of the iceberg of logic and reasoning that lends nicely to the other design choices around SNOMED…but we’re not SNOMED, we’re OMOP CDM, so we make our own statements about what Conditions vs. Observations are (and it is documented, see above citations from the CDM documentation) so to overlay SNOMED reasoning on top of that where we don’t follow any of the other reasoning that SNOMED has (such as how they coordinate different SNOMED concept-atoms into a single clinical concept example: Multiple snomed codes : if the internal code is “First Consultation of Gynecology” this would result in 3 SNOMED codes First (qualifier value) / Consultation (procedure) / Gynecology (qualifier value)), this would be a round peg -square hole situation. I’m just not convinced that the CDM notion of an ‘Observation’ overlays what SNOMED thinks an ‘Observation’ is.