Hi! I am evaluating the quality of an OMOP mapping I have performed using EHDEN Data Quality checks and I noticed that the plausibleLow and plausibleHigh values for the LOINC concept 1975-2 which maps to Athena concept ID: 3024128 with unitConceptId: 8840 appear to be 1 and 100 as per DataQualityDashboard/OMOP_CDMv5.3.1_Concept_Level.csv at master · OHDSI/DataQualityDashboard · GitHub.
However, according to the LOINC website (LOINC 1975-2 — Bilirubin.total [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma) for the same unit of measurement, values are expected to be in the range of [0.3, 1] which I do in the source data. As a result, I appear to be failing all the plausibleLow checks for this concept ID.
Could you please help me understand what the underlying reason is here and if the thresholds themselves must be changed?
Thank you!