DQD errors

Hi @Olga_Osintseva I will do my best to answer your questions:

  1. If I understand correctly, you have records for patients that fall outside the dates that your dataset covers so they do not have an observation period but they have records. Do you trust these records? Do you want to use these records in an analysis? If so, I would consider creating an observation period for these patients that span the period of time when you have records for them. However, events can also occur outside of an observation period. If you want to keep the time span of the database separate from these records then you can still create an observation period for a patient even if there are no records within that span of time.
  2. So far we have not devised a solution for this problem. To me it is an artifact of the data and something to keep in mind if doing an analysis with gender-specific CONCEPT_IDs.
  3. The check for plausible values for measurements and their associated units is looking for biologically implausible values, not normal values. These were devised based on expert review of three physicians. It is considered a fail because we have tried to steer clear of additional levels of check failures like warnings because we have found that the more levels that are introduced, the easier it is to start ignoring the notification (alarm fatigue). If you have reviewed your data and find that the percent of records that fail the check is acceptable to you, I would recommend altering the threshold so that it is no longer considered a failure.
