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PatientLevelPrediction workgroup restarting

@RossW and myself are restarting the PatientLevelPrediction workgroup. In this group we will discuss the latest methods in prediction using observational healthcare data, provide demos of the HADES tools for prediction and collaborate on exciting clinical applications for prediction.

The first call will be on November the 9th at 9am ET. We will record the meeting for those unable to join.

To join the workgroup and see information about the meetings please fill out this form:
Form Here making sure to select “PLP: Patient-Level Prediction” in part 5.

Please feel free to ask any question here.

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We have our second PLP meeting of the year tomorrow.

@RossW will be presenting a new prediction repository that lets you upload PLP models and explore results.

The meeting is Wed Dec 14th at 9am ET ( click here to join )

We have our first workgroup meeting in 2023 this week on Wednesday 11th @ 9am ET.

During this meeting we will have an exciting presentation from @EtienneDuim on a new network methodological study using OMOP databases to examine how patient data granularity impacts on AI performances and we will also discuss 2023 OKRs for the prediction workgroup.

We have another prediction workgroup meeting tomorrow, Wednesday 8th, @ 9am ET.

During this meeting we will be demonstrating the new Strategus package and the prediction module. This is the new approach for running network studies. We will also discuss prediction tasks we can use as benchmarks.

We have another prediction workgroup meeting tomorrow, Wednesday 8th, @ 9am ET.

Kevin (Jingzhi) Yu will be presenting his exciting research idea on investigating counter factual prediction in the first part of the meeting. In the second part we will discuss prediction tasks we can use as benchmarks.

We have our monthly prediction workgroup meeting tomorrow, Wednesday 12th @ 9am ET.

In this call we will be having discussions on:

  1. External validation
  2. Model benchmarks

and also have a sneak peek into an exciting new network study that will be comparing deep learning models across the OHDSI network.

The next prediction workgroup meeting is this week, Wednesday 10th May @ 9am ET.

In this call we will have a discussion on the European and US symposiums including what people would like to see from the working group and what they will be submitting.

The next prediction workgroup meeting is this week, Wednesday 14th June @ 9am ET.

In this call @egillax will present his exciting work on “Comparing Penalization Methods for Linear Models on Large Observational Health Data”.

Due to the summer holidays, many of us are enjoying some time off, so the next prediction workgroup meeting (July 12th) is cancelled.

We will resume the monthly call in August.

The next prediction workgroup meeting is this week, Wednesday 13th September @ 9am ET.

In this call @aniekmarkus will be presenting her exciting work on feature importance and explainable AI.

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We have another prediction workgroup meeting this week, Wednesday 11th October @ 9m ET.

In this call Andreas and Koen will be presenting an exciting application of prediction modeling.

Next meeting is Wednesday 8th November @ 9am ET.

During this meeting we will have a group discussion on three different projects to be worked on by the group. Make sure to join if you’re interested in working on publications addressing: federated learning, investigating how our Seek Cover models performed over the past 2 years and/or the impact of metric choice for hyper-parameter tuning.

Tomorrow’s meeting on Wednesday 13th December @ 9am ET is cancelled due to the holidays.

We will restart the workgroup call on Wednesday 10th January 2024.

Happy Holidays!

The next PLP workgroup meeting is this Wednesday (10th Jan) @ 9am ET.

During this call we will have a group discussion on what the group would like to focus on this year for our OKRs (objectives and key results).

Hi @jreps ,this is rui from roche China.Could I ask that how to join the workgroup meeting?

Hi Rui, the meeting link is available by joining the PLP workgroup using this form and selecting “PLP: Patient-Level Prediction” in part 5.

This is the link I have on my calendar, so that may also work (the meeting is @ 9am ET on the 10th).

We are canceling the next PLP workgroup meeting this Wednesday (13th March).

We will meet next in April.

April’s PLP workgroup (April 10th @ 9am ET) call is an exciting presentation from Najia on the recent publication that compared using ATLAS/PatientLevelPrediction R package vs native R code https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-52723-y

May’s PLP workgroup (May 8th @ 9am ET) call will involve a group discussion on priorities for improving the PatientLevelPrediction R package GitHub - OHDSI/PatientLevelPrediction: An R package for performing patient level prediction in an observational database in the OMOP Common Data Model. and our plan to get the R package into CRAN.

June’s PLP workgroup (June 12th @9am EST) call will be a discussion to review our OKR progression so far this year.
