We are about 2 months away from the OHDSI Community Face-to-face meeting, hosted by Columbia on May2-3. If you want to be contribute to join and participate in the fun, please add your name here: https://www.ohdsi.org/events/2018-ohdsi-face-to-face/
As I posted earlier on this thread, our plan for the F2F is to all come together to design, execute, and report out a network study (in 48 hours or less). To pull this ambitious goal off, we need to identify a compelling research question that can be adequately addressed using our OHDSI data work with a comparative cohort design.
So, I have a action for all of you in the community: if you had a good research question that you’d like to see all of OHDSI come together to tackle, please propose it on this thread!
To help you get started, all you need to do is fill in this simple ‘mad libs’-style template to specify your research question:
To compare the risk of [Insert the name of your outcome of interest here] between [Insert the name of your target exposure here] and [Insert the name of your comparator cohort here] , we will estimate the population-level effect of exposure on the [Insert the metric of your analysis model here: hazards for Cox/ odds for logistic / rate ratio for Poisson] of the outcome during the period from [Insert your time-at-risk start: e.g. 1 day after exposure start] to [Insert your time-at-risk end: e.g. 30 days after exposure end] .
Examples from prior OHDSI network studies for added motivation:
Perhaps you are intrigued by a potential safety concern that FDA has posted on its website, as was @jon_duke when he asked:
“To compare the risk of angioedema between new users of levetiracetam and new users of phenytoin , we will estimate the population-level effect of exposure on the hazards of the outcome during the period from 1 day after exposure start to 0 days after exposure end”.
Perhaps you are a clinician treating patients with a particular disease and wondering which treatment option has the best outcomes, as was @estone96 when he asked:
“To compare the risk of hip fracture between new users of alendronate and new users of raloxifene , we will estimate the population-level effect of exposure on the hazards of the outcome during the period from 1 day after exposure start to all time after exposure start (intent-to-treat)”.
Perhaps you are a researcher who is fascinated by the heterogeniety we observed in the OHDSI treatment pathway study that @hripcsa led, and want to dig deeper into which treatment sequences actually yield better results, @rohitv initiated with his study:
“To compare the risk of HbA1c reduction, myocardial infarction, and eye disorders between patients who switch from metformin to sulfonylureas and patients who switch from metformin to DPP4-inhibitors , we will estimate the population-level effect of exposure on the hazards of the outcome during the period from 1 day after exposure start to 0 day after exposure end”.
So, please post your research question on this thread, fill out the mad libs, tell us your T/C/O/time-at-risk/model, and your study idea can be considered by the community under your leadership, and together we can generate the reliable evidence that all stakeholders deserve.