New Annotation Working Group

Hi all,

Following up on the annotation thread and the community call 2 weeks ago, please see the proposed Annotations Working Group on the wiki. Note that this group will be working on both defining an Annotation proposal for the CDM WG as well as helping to build a new Atlas component supporting patient level annotations.

For those interested in participating, let me know if Wednesdays at 10am Eastern are a generally feasible time.



Hi Jon,
That time is feasible but not ideal for me. If it is the time others can make it, I will reschedule a standing meeting I have then.
Andrew Williams

I am highly interested Jon but can’t commit to another standing meeting
until after the grant submission deadline in early June. After that I
could attend meetings at that time or several other times. Will watch
this thread.

@jon_duke on this weeks OHDSI call @Ajit_Londhe mentioned he was interested in creating a Metadata WG. Maybe you guys should team up?

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Thanks @ericaVoss! Yes I picked the wrong week to take off for Spring Break, as I missed @Ajit_Londhe’s excellent proposal re the Annotations and Metadata WG. We chatted and indeed these should be together for developing the format for annotations in the CDM. Thanks to @Andrew and @rkboyce for your responses and please head on over to the other thread for this effort.

For those interested specifically in the development of a user interface for chart review questions in Atlas, you are welcome to join our open calls. The first call will be April 25th. See the wiki for more details.




Hi @jon_duke – can you update the Chart Review WG wiki with the upcoming meetings? My calendar is out of sync with its schedule.

Sure. The first one will be next Weds at 10am EDT. Sorry if any confusion.

Hi all,

The first call of the Chart Review Interface Design Group is tomorrow at 10am ET. More details on the Wiki. If you are interested in how we should integrate a question/answer annotation functionality into Atlas, then please join the discussion.

p.s. What’s the difference between this WG and the Annotation / Metadata WG?

  • The Annotation/Metadata WG is tackling the broader question of how best to store annotations in the OMOP CDM.
  • This WG is developing a particular application that creates annotations based on chart review. We will take guidance from the Annotation WG as to how best to store these annotations in the CDM.

Thanks to those who attended the last meeting of the Chart Review Interface Design WG. The next meeting will be help at 10am ET today. Please see the Wiki for call-in details.

Hi all,

The Chart Review Interface Design WG is beginning this morning in a few minutes. We appreciate the active participation thus far and welcome interested folks to join. Please see the Wiki for call-in details.

Hi, All. Hoping you can join us this week at 10:00 EST Wednesday.


Call-in info is on the wiki - let me know i you have any trouble joining.

@mgorges and @jon_duke – can we schedule some time to review the current progress of the Metadata WG during this next call? I’d like to make sure our current DDL and concepts can jive with this effort.

@Ajit_Londhe Sure let’s block out a chunk of Weds’ call to review. Thanks for checking in!

Great! In the meantime, can you share that diagram of the table structures you showed onscreen during one of the earlier WG calls? And some sample data perhaps?

@Ajit_Londhe and all, very sorry will need to postpone this week’s Annotation Interface WG meeting til next Weds morning (8/15). In the meantime, here is the diagram of tables. We will send out a reminder next week.

No worries. I’ll review your diagram in the meantime. Thanks!

Looking forward to discussing Annotation interface and concepts with @Ajit_Londhe, @Andrew, @trey, and others on the Annotation Interface WG call tomorrow morning (Weds) at 10am ET. See full call-in details on the Wiki as well as minutes from previous calls.



The Annotation Interface WG will be dialing in to WebAPI WG this AM to discuss the integration of Annotations into WebAPI and plans for the Symposium. So we will not be dialing in to our regular meeting number.


The Annotation Interface WG will be dialing in to WebAPI WG this AM to demonstrate the latest interface developments and design plans for the OHDSI annotation platform. So we will not be dialing in to our regular meeting number but rather the WebAPI WG number.


Apologies, the WebAPI WG is off working on Symposium stuff until the 24th. So we will be dialing in at our usual number if you would like to walk through the latest annotation interface developments. Special welcome to @Ajit_Londhe @Chris_Knoll @anthonysena @pavgra @Andrew