Multum to RxNorm mapping

Hi team,
I am mapping Multum to RxNorm. Only 2/3 medications in my organization can be mapped to RxNorm using Cerner mapping table and OMOP multum to RxNorm concept tables. Does anyone has NLP script to do medication mapping? or have other resources for Multum–>RxNorm conversion. Thanks

Hi @gongliangz. I see that currently OMOP tables contain 9770 valid concepts from Multum and 8726 concept relationships ‘Maps to’. Unfortunately, I don’t know if there are any plans to update Multum in the future and continue to map it to RxNorm. This topic also discussed in 2017-2018 (Multum Drug Vocabulary, NHANES Multum Lexicon)

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You can always map drugs through the generic drug mapping procedure. It talks about international drugs, but US drugs of course work just as fine. Let us know if you need help putting the input tables together.

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Thank you so much!