Dear OHDSI Korean friends,
I’m contacting you from Denmark and in English, you have my apologies for that.

Our government is having a look at KoNECT, the Korean Clinical Trial platform (https://www.konect.or.kr/).
At the same time we are evaluating the OHDSI OMOP CDM for our research and bedside data.

Can anyone enlighten us if KoNECT is anyhow including OMOP CDM in its design/platform/tools?

Thanks in advance for your time and for performing CDM work which is inspiring for the rest of us.

Kind regards,

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Hi, KR OHDSI community has 41 hospitals and tens of corporate partners, including us EvidNet working on data platform(CDM); but not sure if KoNECT follows OMOP CDM. Maybe Prof.Park’s team has more information…?

Thanks for the response Jackie.

I am leading the FEEDER-NET (Federated E-health Big Data for Evidence Renovation Network) in Korea.
The KoNECT is also one of FEEDER-NE’ partners as data consumer.
You may want to read more about FEEDER-NET: FEEDER-NET and some news from Korea

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Thank you for the info.
FEEDER-NET is an impresive and very intresting project.
I wish you all the best with its success.

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