FEEDER-NET and some news from Korea

FEEDER-NET (Federated E-health Big Data for Evidence Renovation Network) is the formal name of the Korean CDM project, which we recently won 10M USD for 2018-2020 - we already announced it We won a 4M USD grant on CDM). We will build a clinical data providing platform to the world through this three-year project. Now 42 largest Korean hospitals joined to our project. We will do our best to convert all of their data into OMOP-CDM by next year.
As a first step, we will select top 10 hospitals who are very open to share their data to the world, and we will convert their data into CDM by the end of this year. So we announced a RFP calling data partners who are willing to share their data.The basic principles of the RFP are: 1. willing to share - how much will you accept the request for analyses from other researchers? How can you overcome the IRB issues in your hosptial; 2. eager to use - Are your researchers in the hospital ready to use the CDM data and lead the studies?; 3. ready to engage - Can you provide the required support for CDM conversion such as space for ETL team, EMR experts in the hospital, space for CDM server, network etc?.
We are receiving amazing proposals from the hospitals. Some hospitals expressed that they will accept 95% of requests for analyses. Some hospital said that they will receive a holistic IRB for all the following CDM researches, which means researches using CDM will not be requested any individual IRB; IRB fast track, acceptance of other hospitals IRB etc were also proposed.
The rest 32 hospitals out of 42 hospitals will get instant access to the data network, If we complete the conversion process of top 10 favorable hospitals’s EMR into CDM by the end of this year.
Hope this small movement in Korea can contribute to the OHDSI community and arouse data holders in the world.


@rwpark This is absolutely amazing! You are setting the standard for what OHDSI can do. I really like the 3 simple criteria to be allowed to participate in FEEDER-NET:

Willing to share
Eager to use
Ready to engage

That is the way to build a network to succeed.

Congrats as always on your great work!

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