Invitation to Collaborate on Community Publication on the OHDSI Phenotype Library

Greetings OHDSI Community,

The OHDSI Phenotype Development and Evaluation workgroup invites you to collaborate on a community publication focusing on the OHDSI Phenotype Library. A draft of the paper has been posted in our Microsoft Teams tenant under the Phenotype Workgroup team here. We will be discussing this topic further in our workgroup call today at 9 am EST (meeting details). If this aligns with your interest, t he workgroup would be delighted to have your input and collaboration. Thank you in advance for your participation.

The OHDSI Phenotype Workgroup Team

This activity is for Workgroup Objective 3: Promote the usage of the OHDSI Phenotype Library.

Thanks @Gowtham_Rao . I really hope that many people in the community join this collaborative effort, since the OHDSI Phenotype Library really needs to be a communal tool that we all contribute to and benefit from. A publication that details the design and direction of our community would be a helpful citation to all our future studies.

So, all of you, even if you can’t make the phenotype WG meeting in 40min from now, I encourage you to consider joining the next one, and to log into the Phenotype team and contribute to this publication development. Its a great opportunity for everyone.

Updates: The paper was discussed in the OHDSI Phenotype Development and Evaluation workgroup feedback -recording here . There was a lot of discussion FAIR principles and the paper was updated to reflect the discussions.