In our last meeting (link to recording), at the OHDSI Phenotype Development and Evaluation Workgroup - we discussed a paper we are collaboratively writing about the OHDSI PhenotpyeLibrary. We discussed about the importance of FAIR and democratization of the OHDSI PhenotypeLibrary. The current submission and review process is labor-intensive and is dependent on mostly me - the librarian. Today, in the OHDSI Phenotype Development and Evaluation Workgroup we will discuss the conceptual idea of trying to make this community resource more democratized and self sustaining.
An idea that some of us (@Paul_Nagy , @jpegilbert ) are discussing is to use Zenodo/InvenioRDM as a DOI service provider. We think that this new framework would enable anyone to submit their cohort definitions to the OHDSI PhenotpyeLibrary without need to engage me i.e. they can post their cohort definitions into the OHDSI PhenotypeLibrary Zenodo organization. The posted definitions are immediately available via Zenodo/InvenioRDM and have a DOI. These are thus immediately retrievable. We then add a layer of controlled vocabulary/metadata using a community curation process (e.g. peer review, librarian review etc). The controlled vocabulary would help provide markers of trust. A snapshot of the posted definitions would be periodically converted into a release via OHDSI Github R package for PhenotypeLibrary. This R package will continue to be release version 3 and backward compatible. The R package is designed for use in OHDSI Studies like HowOften (@hripcsa). We think this this will streamline the OHDSI PhenotpyeLibrary and also make sure it both democratic and FAIR compliant. Maybe we can get it ready for OHDSI Symposium 2023.
@Paul_Nagy and I are looking for community volunteers to lead this effort. We are also hoping to get the support of the OHDSI technology advisory committee and/or open source committees to detail the feasibility of this idea, perform a proof of concept and help develop it further.
Hoping to talk about this today at the OHDSI Phenotype Development and Evaluation workgroup meeting