We won a 4M USD grant on CDM

We just won the Korean government’s grant on CDM.
We will receive 4M USD from government for this 3-year project.
The participating companies will provide additional 4M USD cash contribution and 3M USD in-kind contribution.
Thirty-nine hospitals having 54M patients data and 34K beds joined to our consortium.
We will convert all of the data into CDM within 3 years during the project.
I will present about this in more detail at the coming European OHDSI meeting.


Congratulations, Rae! This is very exciting news


I’m so happy to work together!

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Congratulations Rae!

Sent from my smartphone. Please excuse any errors

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This is quite exciting , and will allow for more generalizable findings in future !

Congratulation !


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Awesome, Rae. Congratulations. George

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Spectacular news, congratulations Rae!

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The participating companies will provide additional 4M USD cash contribution and 3M USD in-kind contribution.

Wow! Congratulations!



That’s fantastic news!

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ps. @rwpark if you or a colleague are able to join the Community Call today we would love to hear more details.

I am sorry! I just saw this posting.
I will go to Amsterdam for European OHDSI meeting, tomorrow.
It will be presented at there, briefly.

Congratulations, Rae!

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