The EHDEN Academy classes are an asset to the OHDSI community. And they are free and open to anyone. You don’t have to be an EHDEN data partner to learn!
Here’s the link to the EHDEN academy for anyone interested in learning more about OHDSI, the OMOP CDM, OHDSI software tools, real world data and research, OHDSI infrastructure, ETL, and more!
On Monday, July 18th at 10am Eastern, Andy Kanter will discuss the IMO to ICD9/10CM and IMO to SNOMED internal mapping tables present in EHR systems. On a recent community call, he expressed curiosity on why some OMOP sites use the IMO to ICD9/10CM internal mapping table to map to source concept_ids when the IMO to SNOMED mapping table is also available. Please join us on MS Teams for this discussion
Is there a recording or transcript of the meeting available?
@Andy_Kanter, we assume these are the concepts stored (in an Epic implementation) in the concept tables in Clarity (e.g., EXTERNAL_CNCPT_MAP, CONCEPT_MAPPED, etc)? Do you have an official white paper or IG of some sort you can share?
At our next meeting on August 15th at 10am Eastern time, @Eduard_Korchmar will present an algorithm that intends to improve mapping coverage during ETL by allowing almost free-form post-coordination, all while maintaining compatibility with systems existing in place. The presentation will include demonstration of Proof-of-concept. Please join us on MSTeams!
At our next meeting on September 26th at 10am Eastern time, @Eduard_Korchmar will present an algorithm that intends to improve mapping coverage during ETL by allowing almost free-form post-coordination, all while maintaining compatibility with systems existing in place. The presentation will include demonstration of Proof-of-concept. Please join us on MSTeams!
I have updated our MS Teams HSIG page. I have added HSIG 2023 Meeting Agenda document to our files section. I will update this document as agendas are finalized.
I have also added a “FAQs and Information” channel to the Team. In the files section of this channel there is a HSIG FAQs and Information document with information on our meetings and communication.
Our next meeting will be Monday, January 16th at 10am Eastern time. We will continue the discussion on pre & post coordination of clinical terms.
Our next Healthcare Systems Interest Group (formerly EHR WG) meeting will be Monday, January 30th at 10am Eastern Time.
@PriyaDesai present Stanford’s patient linkage algorithm and their findings on the evaluation of the algorithm.
I have also invited @toanong to present his finding on how computing a set of likability metrics can help suggest a strategy for performing linkage.
Finding the best, most accurate patient linkage algorithm is a common dilemma for healthcare systems and others trying to enrich their OMOP CDM with multiple sources of data. Join us in Teams!
Our next Healthcare Systems Interest Group (formerly EHR WG) meeting will be Monday, January 30th at 10am Eastern Time. We will discuss how to move your local mappings from the Source_to_concept_map to the Concept & Concept Relationship table. Please join us on Teams!
During our next meeting on Monday, May 8th at 10am Eastern, we will discuss creating Visit Occurrence and Visit Detail records from source data. Please come to the meeting to discuss your questions about visits/encounters and see how others are utilizing these tables. Here are a few questions we would like to answer and provide guidance:
Which records belong in Visit Occurrence and which ones belong in Visit Detail?
What are some general cleaning rules for source visit data?
We have visit start datetime data at the source, but not end datetime. Is it ok to leave visit_end_datetime null when visit_start_datetime is populated?
Please join the Healthcare Systems Interest Group’s call on Monday, June 19th at 10am Eastern Time on MS Teams. Bujia Zhang and Melanie Philofsky will present the University of Colorado’s (CU’s) semantic mapping process for mapping local codes and free text strings to the OMOP CDM. Melanie will give an overview of the semantic mapping process for the analyst mapping healthcare terms and Bujia will present CU’s technical process for appending these mappings to the Concept and Concept Relationship tables. Note, we do not use the Source To Concept Map table. Please see this poster Mapping Custom Source Codes to Standard Concepts: A Comparison of Two Approaches for the reasoning behind this decision.
On Monday, November 20th at 10am Eastern Time, the Healthcare Systems Interest Group will host an open agenda meeting. We encourage anyone with questions about the OMOP CDM, ETLing your data to OMOP, observation research or healthcare systems to join our call.
On Monday, April 8th, the Eye Care and Vision WG will discuss adding eye exam data elements to the OMOP CDM. A discussion about best practices, ETL tools and what have others done.
The HSIG is starting to amass and implement quite a few artifacts useful to health systems in their OHDSI journey. Currently, the items we have produced are in our MS Teams space, on the internet as OHDSI symposium abstracts and posters and elsewhere. As our group continues to grow and produce more materials, we should have a designated space for all these artifacts to be stored.
Our next meeting on July 29th will have an open agenda. Please come with any questions about the OMOP CDM, source data, OHDSI or observational research. We welcome new members and want to provide support to you and your institution in your OHDSI journey!
The Health Systems Interest Group (HSIG) is hosting a speaker’s series focusing on OMOP for non-OHDSI uses. Dr. Michelle Edelmann from the University of Colorado is our first guest speaker on Monday, August 26th. Join us to learn about their use cases, model expansions, challenges they’ve conquered and challenges to be conquered!