DRUG_EXPOSURE conventions

We (at least here) call the normalized dose the “dose basis”. So maybe dose_basis_unit_concept_id? Or maybe that’s thinking too focusedly . . .

What about ‘rate’? so exposure_rate and exposure_rate_unit? Seems like we’re talking about 2 things possibly happening when a patient is exposed to a drug: they get a dose of something or they are exposed at a rate of something. I found this discussion here, tho it was describing radiation, but the idea might apply to our drug exposure table:

So, this way, you can have someone exposed to the same mass of a drug as another person, but the rate could be different between them. Maybe we can standardize the units to either by time (to a day) or by weight (to a gram),

looks like the discussion goes to the relative units only

@Christian_Reich, another example where we have problems is when the substance can be present both in iU and mg.
and conversion is not so easy in this case.

and it’s not so easy to convert.

@Alexdavv, I know you tried something, can you share?

Not a bad idea.

Yes, but we already were talking about two things before: Absolute unit based (=dry) dose like in tablets, and divisible dose (=liquid). Now we are talking a third thing: the first derivation thereof. We haven’t made those distinctions canonical, except when we want to calculate daily doses (e.g. for DOSE_ERA records). That’s when we need the complex @Klaus-like logic. This will add to that.

We could try figuring it out. But won’t be easy on the ETLers, because instead of just dumping NDC codes they will have to start getting into the detail.

Correct, but I would definitely not open the door for that. In contrast, in the long run we should provide means to convert. The conversation here is about what dose is actually given. Not how it can be differently represented.

That is the idea, @alexdaw. We will fix it.

+1 for @bailey’s idea

And this would be the concept_id for the dose_unit_source_value field, correct?

I’ve added a proposal to create a dose_unit_concept_id field for the dose_unit_source_value field here

@Bailey I’ve changed the field name that you proposed to stay in line with naming conventions. Keep the concept_id name the same as the source_value name

@Christian_Reich @clairblacketer Would this be considered a bug fix since the source value didn’t have a corresponding concept id field?