Prior medication only if you have the time. Study medication - there is usually no Standard Concept for those, you will have to ask for one in this Forum.
Don’t record them. You can only record events if you have the date.
You can keep them blank, unless it’s a refill of a prescription.
Just count from 1 up. Or use a Fibonacci sequence. Or lottery numbers.
Thank you for providing vendors contact my team will be following it.
Now I addition to above Drug Exposure Table I have some follow up questions regarding the same:
With respect to screen shot, Medications history is captured at baseline does not have date field so as per your input we should not include these medication in out Drug Exposure Table.
2.As per OMOP guideline 5.1 Quantity should contain Drug dose captured as in raw data however Effective Drug Dose is its Numerical Equivalent?
Route is not getting captured in raw data but we can infer from CRF and Protocol that its “Infusion/Injection” (IV,SC,IM) can we populate Route_concept_id “4112421” and keep route_source_value as blank? Or should we keep both blank as data has not been captured?
You can record it as an Observation with observation_concept_id=4207283 (“History of drug therapy”), and in the value_as_concept_id you place the RxNorm Ingredient Concept of the respective drug.
We are phasing out the effective_drug_dose. Put the amount into the quantity field. The amount can be units (of tablets etc.) or of matter (essentially, milligram). If you have route information, try to convert that to a Dose Form and pick the right RxNorm Drug Form Concept.
Go look in the vocabulary CONCEPT where domain_id=‘Drug’. You will find all the different combinations actually on the market. Which means, you need one concept_id to capture all of the above dimensions. You can also read up here.
what if we can’t map the drug to exact Clinical Drug or something that has a dosage but the prescription table has a dosage?
My suggestion is to use effective drug dosage in cases when we have Ingredient or Drug Form as a standard concept but have a dosage in prescription table.
In this case quantity field could contain mixed up information. For example, there can be drug that was mapped to ingredient and there was no other information but qty in source data (let’s say 5 pills), and also the same drug with qty 5, but with dosage info (let’s say 30 mg). At the same time it may be not possible to find RxNorm concept with exact dosage (30 mg) if there is no such concept. What to do in such case?
If you don’t know the product, and all you are putting in is Ingredient, the quantity is about the compound matter, not some units. So, in your case 30 mg. Make sure you put in the total of the entire exposure. So, if there is a daily dose of 30 mg over a month you need to put in 900 mg.
when we can map only to Clinical drug form or Ingredient levels, so in this case units will be defined by the drug_strength table. And we have some cases when the drug dosage can be represented both in MG and Units. In drug_strength we have MG defined, while in our source data there’s Interantional Units ([iU] or [U]), and exact dosage corresponds to the units indeed. @Alexdavv, can you please provide examples.
mg is predefined as a unit in DRUG_STRENGTH table. In RxNorm there are no any Clinical Drug Components with mg.
bacitracin/ bacitracin zinc.
mg is predefined as a unit in DRUG_STRENGTH table. In RxNorm there is just only one Clinical Drug Component with mg - bacitracin zinc 0.5 MG/MG which is used just for one single Clinical Drug - bacitracin zinc 0.5 MG/MG / Polymyxin B Sulfate 10 UNT/MG Topical Powder.
Penicillin G (almost the same case like bacitracin).
And rather important that in general clinical practise these drugs are measured mostly (sometimes always) in iU. The main question: what units should we use for figures which would be inserted to the DRUG_EXPOSURE.quantity field? If source data contain all the quantities in iU should we convert them to mg and basically how?
We have drug administration with the relative units like 20 mg/kg (of patient weight). And we don’t have the weight of the patient to calculate the real dosage.
So we map this to the Clinical Drug Form. And there’s no way to reflect the dosage in drug_exposure table.
But I understand that this sometimes is all you got. And for some drugs the per kg is the important information. Here, I am with @schuemie’s “let’s just add a field”. This is a piece of information we cannot store right now without re-defining the content of other fields.
@Dymshyts: Can you put a proposal into the CDM Github? Something like “dose_per_kg” with allowable values NULL (usual) and Y.
You might consider being more flexible on the units. The denominator can be weight, body surface area, and maybe 1 or 2 other things I can’t recall at the moment.