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DQD Package: error when trying to run executeDqChecks()

Hi all,

I’m connected to my cdm database in bigquery (can view all tables within my Rstudio console). But when I try to run execcuteDqCheck(), I get this error: Connecting using BigQuery driverError in globalCallingHandlers(condition = conditionHandler) : should not be called with handlers on the stack

I have DatabaseConnector v6.2.3 and DataQualityDashboard 2.3.0 installed.

What am I doing wrong?
Appreciate any guidance! Thank you.

We’ve had a couple similar reports recently - I think it’s due to some incompatibility between ParallelLogger and running R in a notebook. See:

@schuemie these errors all seem to be getting thrown at this line when people try to run DQD in a notebook/markdown cell - is this a known thing with ParallelLogger / any way we can work around this?

Thanks Katy! I tried running in base R instead of a notebook and that seems to have worked.
