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DataQualityDashboard: errors in executeDqChecks about Snowflake driverError

Hello, Guys.

We are applying DataQualityDashboard for omop CDM 5.4 data. The DatabaseConnector works fine to connect Snowflake by using the JDBC driver V3.13.22 and can run querySql to display the data.

But when I run DataQualityDashboard::executeDqChecks, it shows

‘Connecting using Snowflake driverError in globalCallingHandlers(condition = conditionHandler) :
should not be called with handlers on the stack’

Can someone help with the error? Thanks

Hi there, someone else just reported a similar issue on GitHub. This turned out to be a Quarto configuration problem: https://github.com/OHDSI/DataQualityDashboard/issues/466

If you’re experiencing something different, please let me know. If you could provide the full stacktrace as well as your executeDqChecks call with all the params passed in, that’d be helpful for debugging.

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Thanks for the reply. It works if I use R script instead of R markdown file.

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