After executing the cpt4.jar utility to update CONCEPTS, I observe the following output:
[INFO ] 2022-12-07 09:53:27.411 [main] ConceptService - Writing updated data to CONCEPT.csv
Updated CPT4 records: 16632/16632
[INFO ] 2022-12-07 10:27:15.867 [main] ConceptService - Not processed cpt4 concepts: 12487.
See logs/not-processed-concepts-12-07-2022-09-53-25.out, file.
You can find more information about errors in the logs/logfile.log file
I have run the cpt4.jar utility numerous times, including on different machines, with the same result. A colleague also ran the utility this morning, with the same result.
This issue seems similar to a previous issue posted on this forum: CPT4 cpt.bat process issue.
Seems like a possible issue with the java code api calls to UMLS.
Any insights/solutions would be appreciated.