Is anyone interested in characterizing acute kidney injury (AKI) among COVID patients? This study could help address the operational question of whether there will be an adequate number of dialysis machines for this population. Also, we may gather useful data regarding which subgroups may be at risk for AKI and whether the incidence is higher for patients on mechanical ventilation. This analysis will likely use phenotypes developed during the COVID study-a-thon. Please let me know if you are interested! @aostropolets@mmatheny@Patrick_Ryan@cukarthik
I am also interested to participate. I seems to me we need a "characterization factory approach’. The covid-hospitalized and covid-tested are very similar studies. And a third study would be covid+AKI.
We will figure out how we are going to organize network research in the wake of the study-a-thon. In the mean time, please start developing use cases. We have a lot of definitions for Covid and outcomes, and we need to do that for AKI and validate that in the network. But again, let’s start with the questions.
@mattspotnitz You can take a loot at the paper titled ’ Acute kidney injury in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: A single-center retrospective observational study’ in medrxiv
@mattspotnitz Actually, I’m interested in the clinical course of COVID-19 in the ESRD patients undergoing dialysis before the COVID-19 infection. Do you have any interest on this topic, too?
Thanks for the reference @SCYou! I think that OHDSI has something unique to contribute on this topic. COVID-19 infection among dialysis patients is an interesting topic. We can discuss how to study that cohort. Are you interested in being a data partner on the COVID-19 AKI analysis?
Makes sense, @mattspotnitz, except 1) probably needs to be limited to hospitalized Covid cases, otherwise you will have denominator problems. Essentially the Chinese study.
The question about dialysis patients might be broader - incidence of acute deterioration of kidney function in patient with a preexisting chronic kidney failure, of which dialysis might be one subgroup. Which makes this a subpopulation of 1)-4).
Hi @mattspotnitz, I am an MSc by Research student at the University of Oxford and would be delighted to contribute to this study. I have previously looked into contrast administration and risk of AKI following surgery ( am currently involved in AKI risk prediction models following surgery. I am reachable at