CDM Genomics WG Meeting

Continuing the discussion from Genomic Data in the CDM:

The first meeting of the CDM Genomics working group will be on Friday, November 17th from 1-2pm EST. For those whose email I have, I sent the meeting information but for those whose email I do not have, here is the link to the webex:

Join WebEx meeting
Meeting number: 743 602 094

Join by phone
Call-in toll-free number: 1-877-5659999 (US)
Call-in number: 1-617-9392838 (US)
Show global numbers
Attendee access code: 881 735 36

For all those interested in the next Genomics working group meeting, please fill out this doodle poll. I have emailed the majority of folks but I will tag others here whose email I do not have:
