CDM adopted as a national health IT backbone in Korea

Here is a news on CDM in Korea: Will the government speed up opening government health institutions data to private sector?

The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) of Korea will launch a new 5-year project converting four governmental institutions’ data into CDM and integrating them, starting at 2019. The governmental institutions include HIRA, NHIS, KCDC and National Cancer Center.

The news article is in Korean and translated by using Google translate, but you may understand the context:

Besides the 41 tertiary or university teaching hospitals who joined our FEEDER-NET project, new > 40 -80 secondary hospitals in Korea will join to the network. FEEDER-NET is a $10M 3-year research project supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea.

For the IRB issues, Korean hospitals who joined as purely data partners may not require additional IRB review or IRB waiver, if the study leader passed their own institution’s IRB review or exemption.

You may want to hear more about the news on CDM in Korea at the panel discussion session in the OHDSI 2018: ‘Global Progress & Perspectives from the OHDSI Community’