Atlas - RC and DRC


I would like to understand the use of RC and DRC field. I did already refer this post , and this post but doesn’t have any info on it

I would like to confirm my understanding of the fields. I couldn’t locate the definition of this fields in book of ohdsi

Let’s say I have 10 records in my db.

Acetaminophen - 5 records
Acetaminophen 10 mg - 2 records
Acetaminophen 5 mg - 2 records
Acetaminophen 25 mg - 1 records

So here the RC = 5 and DRC = 5?

Another screenshot from BookofOHDSI shown below

Here none of our records in db are mapped to ACE inhibitors, Plain or ACE INHIBITORS, PLAIN or ACE Combinations and ACE inhibitors and diuretics.

But there are 507772 and 10982 records in our db which are mapped to the descendants of the above terms. Am I right to understand this?