Robert Carroll, Hamed Abedtash, Maxim Moinat, Christian Reich, Soo Yeon Cho, Qi Yang
The ultimate goal is to provide Vocabulary WG with a “cookbook” on the best practice to map drug source codes to standard concepts, and vice versa. It will cover both US and outside of US codes.
Step-by-step approach: First fix the mapping between RxNorm/RxNorm Extension concepts to ATC classes, then continue with mapping drug source codes to RxNorm/RxNorm Exten.
Some EHR in Europe use ATC 5th level to present drug ingredient, but drug strength, dosage form and other data values need to be aggregated for better mapping.
To map source codes to ATC, we need to take into accounts these data elements of the drug product: Ingredient name, Site of action, Route of administration, Indication, Dosage forms (eg, parenteral, oral, rectal, nasal, …), Quantity of active ingredient, Source of molecule
Hamed (and any other volunteers): Present previous experience with ATC mapping
Hamed Abedtash, Soo Yeon Cho, Dmitry, Christian Reich
Soo presented the on-going project to map Korean drugs to ATC.
Need to populate two tables to do the mapping: Standard working spreadsheet (WS) and ATC WS. Then, we can easily join them by active ingredient, ROA, dose form, etc to get the correct crosswalk.
Hamed is preparing the ATC WS; will be ready for the next meeting.
Hamed will send ATC working sheet to Dmitry.
Dmitry will send the list of ATC changes since 20180205 version.
Hamed Abedtash, Soo Yeon Cho, Dmytry, Anna Ostropolets
Need to finalize list of allowed ingredients (inclusions and exclusions) in each class
DDDs may help in some cases find the correct class, eg, finasteride
Hamed: List of allowed route of administration in each class is ready. Hamed will send the list to Soo to review.
Anna: We have done some work on ATC mapping. The group may continue to work with her to optimize the pipeline.
Hamed: We need to create separate lists for included/excluded ingredients, dose forms, indications, etc. that will make the mapping process easier and sustainable for future iterations.
Hamed creates the list of allowed indications.
Soo will review allowed ROA table.
Anna will integrate ROA, and will send Hamed the list of active ingredients of ATC classes along with a short draft of mapping steps.
Let’s try to ratify the current mapping. It still doesn’t do a good job on the combinations, the different indications and dose. Anna and I are looking at it. We will review tomorrow what we find. 100% better than nothing (what we have now). The better is the enemy of the good.