Workshop of Experience ETL Developers to Provide Guidence

I want to know if there is any interest in putting together a workshop of experienced OMOP ETL developers with the goal of providing guidance to some of the thornier aspects of doing the ETL. If possible, we can query this forum for topics that had some X (?) number of replies. I can think of some areas that I have questions about such as defining a Visit, or for Observations an agreed upon way to handle allergies, patient and family medical history, for Measurement how to code vital measurement such as height, weight and blood pressure…

We could meet at the Symposium on the 19th since the planned tutorial ‘OMOP Common Data Model & Standardized Vocabularies’ seems to be more of an introduction. There can be a prerequisite that you have been involved in specifying or coding at least 3 ETLs from different data source.

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@DTorok - As part of the Hadoop Hackathon, we started a Best Practice outline and in it, there was a section for ETL. It would be great if we can combine all of this into one cook book. Let me know where you want to meet and can provide some insights.

Hi @DTorok - I am interested in this. I’ve worked on several ETLs over the years, both writing the specs and coding the ETL programs. Data sources I’ve worked on include GE Medical, Pharmetrics, Truven, CPRD, SynPuf, and others. Looking forward to helping out where I can.


Hi @DTorok, I’d be interested in meeting up to participate as well.


Thank you. I think this workshop would be very useful, and would like to participate

Yes. YES. But also subgroup by EHR data model. We need some Cerner and/or
Oracle EHA compadres. Mayo?

also would love to attend!


I would like to attend.
