Women of OHDSI Meeting - 26Mar2019 from 2-3pm ET

Just a reminder that our next Women of OHDSI meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 26th from 2-3pm ET. (The meeting was originally scheduled for March 19th, but we pushed it back a week because of Spring Break).

Here is the agenda for next week’s meeting:

We’ll be discussing our strengths (and weaknesses). In preparation for the meeting, I invite you all to complete this free assessment from VIA:

If you feel comfortable sharing your results, I encourage you to fill in this google form:

Your results will remain anonymous and be used to facilitate our discussion on Tuesday’s meeting.

Here are the details to join Tuesday’s meeting
Webex: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=M92ACRLNGM2A7RRJK5B9SCHK2C-D1JL
Call in Number: +1-415-655-0001
Attendee access code: 192 941 706