Will there be a OSIM5 dataset?

Is there a project underway to upgrade OSIM2 to CDMv5?
Alternatively, has anyone tried to convert the OSIM2 datasets to CDMv5? Or at least CDMv4 - at which point we can use the v4->v5 converter tool.
I have seen the 1K sample CDMv5 data set provided by LTS but that does not have enough correlated data for our purposes.

Appreciate any suggestions.

Hi @shanti,

There are no plans for a new simulator, and I don’t know of anyone porting the old OSIM2 datasets to CDM v5.

Could you maybe elaborate a bit more on what you would like to use the data for? What correlations are you looking for?


The differences are minor. It would be very easy to do.

But have you tried the SynPuf data?

We are building some analytics based on the OMOP data model. We are currently using the LTS data (with 1000 patients) for testing but are finding it difficult to do so. For example, if we want to find patients with a particular condition (say hyperlipidemia) AND are on a particular drug (say Simvastatin OR Atorvastatin), there are no matching records.
This is what I meant by correlation.


Use the SynPuf data. Ready to eat, in OMOP CDM V5: ftp.ohdsi.org/synpuf