December 26, 2019, 12:12am
Hi, I’m SeHee Oh, ‘OMOP CDM’ beginner in South Korea.
Recently, I have generated Cohort Definition in Atlas with Concept sets “Pheochromocytoma”(records 5,967).
But, the generation results were shown same count about ‘Person’ and ‘Records’ in Atlas cohort generation tab.
I don’t know why was happend to me the issue, cause I did’nt find any errors in console window(using F12).
For reference, my Atlas is 2.6 version and I just setted very simple only using ‘Cohort Entry Events’ in Definition tab.
So, I would like to get some solution or comment from you guys, Thank you.
(Seng Chan You)
December 26, 2019, 12:53am
Please, change ‘limit quality event to earliest event ’ to 'all events’
and change ‘cohort exit’ criteria. (from end of continuous observation to fixed duration~ )
December 26, 2019, 1:43am
First, Thank you.
My Atlas cohort definition was setted on your mention,
But, didn’t changed.
We can see the same count ‘Person’ and ‘Records’ in Generation results.
You are still limiting to the earliest event per person for the ‘qualifying events’ (see the second dropdown where it is set to ‘earliest event per person’.
December 26, 2019, 2:36am
I didn’t know what I should set ‘Inclusion criteria’ despite no any selection.
Now, My cohort generation results can be shown correct count.
Thank you Chris_Knoll, Seng Chan You