Thanks Michael. And, thanks for clarifying MedDRA for me.
Maybe I’m missing something about MedDRA being mandatory. So, here are more details:
'am using the following version numbers to load my patient data into Atlas
OS: Windows
jdk: 1.8
WebAPI: 2.8
Atlas: 2.8.2
CDM v5.4
I followed the instructions to set up WebAPI and Atlas, inserted my data, and ran Achilles. I can see only Person and Observation Period tables, charts and treemaps in Atlas. I cannot see conditions, drugs, measurement and observation related information in Atlas. I dug around and found the following:
My concept_hierarchy table is empty/blank. So, I looked at the ddl that WebAPI generated, and I found SQL queries with inner join that use MedDRA
INSERT INTO results.concept_hierarchy
c1.concept_id AS snomed_concept_id,
max(c2.concept_id) AS pt_concept_id
FROM public.concept c1
INNER JOIN public.concept_ancestor ca1 ON c1.concept_id = ca1.descendant_concept_id
AND c1.domain_id = 'Condition'
AND ca1.min_levels_of_separation = 1
INNER JOIN public.concept c2 ON ca1.ancestor_concept_id = c2.concept_id
AND c2.vocabulary_id = '**MedDRA**'
GROUP BY c1.concept_id
) snomed_to_pt ON snomed.concept_id = snomed_to_pt.snomed_concept_id
'am still picking up PostgreSQL. So, I assumed that for the above Insert command to work, MedDRA was mandatory.
I also found this forum question No data in some reports in atlas Here @anthonysena mentions that Atlas uses MedDRA for conditions.
Can you please help me figure out my mistake?