Who is using OHDSI slack?

We are considering using slack for our OHDSI F2F. It looks like someone has already created a OHDSI slack group. If you know who admins that, please post here.

Patrick, @msuchard
Now I’m not sure. We (@Patrick_Ryan , @jon_duke, @krfeeney ) played around ohdsi2016.slack.com NOT ohdsi.slack.com, so someone else must own ohdsi.slack.com.
Sorry for any confusion

@Frank owns ohdsi.slack.com.

For those who are interested in joining you can do so at the following link:


Anyone with an ohdsi.org email address will automatically register. Others will require an approval.

Hi @Frank,

is it possible to register using other mail different from @ohdsi.org or @its.jnj.com? For now, the link provided just allow to select one of this to options.



Yes - for anyone else interested please send me a pm with the email you would like invited and I can send along an invitation.