For Dream Challenge and network exchange of cohorts (insertCohortIntoPackage methods) , which server should I use?
atlas or atlas-demo?
What is the difference between them?
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For Dream Challenge and network exchange of cohorts (insertCohortIntoPackage methods) , which server should I use?
atlas or atlas-demo?
What is the difference between them?
@lee_evans: @Vojtech_Huser is right. We should take down the one without the SNOMED click-through.
No, as we discussed on community call a few weeks ago when I presented on ATLAS 2.7.3 release, OHDSI is hosting multiple instances of ATLAS to support different purposes: 1) demo/sandbox, 2) production sharing, and 3) qa/testing. is the instance for sandbox for everyone in the community to experience ATLAS, without login but also without expectation of provenence of content. is the instance that is security-enabled, and will allow for us to save read-only copies of curated study artifacts (conceptsets, cohorts, analysis designs). Because we currently don’t have a curation process in place, we are not opening this up for everyone to enter content in, but rather we will be putting in ‘locked’ material from finalized/completed OHDSI network studies as requested (and I’ll be the curator until we determine a better process). It is deliberately empty at this point, but I expect as we mature the Phenotype Library, we will be using this more actively.