@schillil, the intention is to add up all days that were inferred to be
‘unexposed’ within the era. So, lets say you have 3 30d scripts, 1June,
15July, 25Aug. That’d give you record-specific end dates of 1June->1July,
15July->15Aug, 25Aug->25Sept. Each of these successive records have a gap
that’s less than the 30d persistence window, so we’d consider this person
continuously exposed with a little non-adherence. The gap between the
first and second script is 15 days, the gap between the second and third
script is 10 days, so the total GAP_DAY for this one DRUG_ERA record would
be 25.
Another example, where you’ve got overlapping records: lets say you have
3 30d scripts, 1June, 15June, 25July. That’d give you record-specific end
dates of 1June->1July, 15June->15July, 25July->25Aug. Now, the first and
second script overlap by 15days, and you have to make a choice of how to
handle that period of overlap. During the initial OMOP work we evaluated
the difference between looking at stockpiling methods vs. just inferring
the new script signified a new start, as well as looking at different
persistence window assumptions, and our bottom line conclusion was it
didn’t matter all that much in general. Because we saw a fair bit of
overlap occuring when there was dose changes, and that seemed to be more
plausible to stop/start, than to stockpile, we adopted the convention to
combine the records without adding overlap to the end. So, in this
example, the first and second record would be combined to make one
temporary era, 1June->15July, and then this record would be combined with
the third script to make one final era that goes from 1June->25Aug. Now,
because there was a 10day gap between the end of the second script and the
start of the third script, the GAP_DAY = 10.
It’s important to reinforce, none of these rules are inherently right or
wrong. They are simply assumptions imposed on the data. I personally
believe there is very large value in imposing a consistent set of rules and
conventions to your data, so that you are not requiring the analysts to 1)
make up new rules, and 2) have to figure out how to code up this logic
without error. But, building up your eras does not preclude you, in a
custom-study-specific fashion to go back to your DRUG_EXPOSURE table and
use denovo custom logic. However, our experience is having the eras
pre-populated with easily defensible common assumptions becomes a
straight-forward and more-than-often sufficient step to preparing your data
for analysis.