What visit_detail_concept_id in visit_detail Table suitable for diagnosis

hello every one
we have a 3 main table IP,ER and OP, each one of them has a known visit_concept_id in visit_occurrence and each visit in these tables have a details in lab, medication and diagnosis tables.
the question is what’s the visit_detail_concept_id in visit_detail Table for lab (32036), medication (581458) and diagnosis (??).

Hello @alruod,

The Visit Detail table contains data about the the details of the Visit. With EHR data, generally the visit details records are the department level visits during an inpatient encounter. So, if the person was in the intensive care unit then use concept_id = 32037. If the visit detail occurred during a visit to the lab, then use concept_id = 32036. The visit detail represents the visit, not the clinical event associated with the visit.