What is the value prop for a health plan / payer to use CDM?

I am in talks with a health plan and I sort of evangelized that OHDSI OMOP CDM would be a wonderful place to store data for analysis, as they are faced with either evaluating for-a-fee data warehouse models/software, or building their own, or using one from open source. I have a firm handle on why for pharma or health system why use CDM. However I am wondering if people have had this question before. I don’t think they are using FDA Mini-Sentinel and I can’t say who they are. So in a greenfield environment, what is the long list of positives for any health plan/payer to implement CDM?


The most prominent benefit is being able to leverage not just the tools but the methodological brainpower. Health plans use all the same constructs (cohorts, outcomes, etc) that are used by everyone else, so they have the same need to reproducible phenotypes, analytics, etc. At Georgia Tech we have been developing a value based care module for employers but it would be equally adaptable to health plans.

Another bonus is that plenty of folks have already converted claims data to CDM so it wouldn’t be a lift to repurpose the ETLs and away they’d go.


That’s interesting Jon. Would love to learn more about the work you are doing. Could you please send me a message.

Shawn - Jon is correct. The data model is the foundation to support use cases related to cohort analysis.