What is the usage of min_levels_of_separation and max_levels_of_separation?

Iknow the fields of min_levels_of_separation and max_levels_of_separation are levels of separation represent the number of steps from an ancestor to a descendant.
What are the application scenarios?
Some examples will be helpful.

Usually, min_levels_of_separation is used. It is a good approximation of the “degree of relation”. So, if you want to have the next level up you pick 1 level. Or you sort ancestors or descendants by the level of separation for browsing purposes.

Why are you asking?

I’ve just learned about CDM and am learning about the application scenarios for each field.
we have the CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP table to define direct relationships between any two Concepts.so only when we want to find more than one level ancestry or descendant,the table CONCEPT_ANCESTOR is used.

You may want to read the Book of OHDSI.